So the calendars got me in the summer spirit, the festive spirt, all kinds of joyful emotions. That got me on to thinking about wanting to go to where the sun is blazing, tottie is smokin' and the bikinis are plentiful. This brings me onto a query.. Whatever am i to do, to avoid my Stamergy being wasted? How will i get all my GP? What are the views/rules on this? Are our friends allowed to play our accounts for us? To keep things running along smoothly and remain one of these all-too-common "daily players"..?
It is a violation of our terms of service for any player to have or play more than one account. So no, you are not allowed to have someone "look after" your account for you.
Ok, thanks for telling me. Looks like the Nympalympa will be spitting her dummy out when i slack and hit that 0GP... I understand though, it would be unfair on the people too slow to manage to ping pong successfully Way to convince me to avoid getting a job, who wants to go to where the Sun is shining and the drinks are on tap, anyway.
If i am on holiday, i would want to be lounging about in the sun while getting sitfaced and perusing the half-naked totty that strolls by... Jugs-a-wobbling... (jugs of various alcoholic liquid, just because this is Zombie Slayer doesn't mean we have to have boobys on the brain 24/7 ) I would not want to be clicking pictures in such a situation, there are much more enjoyable things to be doing!