Question about the Lottery numbers

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Larry Skary, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    I just picked my numbers on the new Lottery game and when i checked my ticket the numbers were not what i had chosen. I was wondering why I got different numbers than i chose ?:confused: this also happens in PC with that Lottery as well. Thank You
  2. Ahad

    Ahad Member

    I have this very same problem. In ZS, PC and real life.

    Why, oh why... do the numbers never come out as the numbers that i pick?

    I thought paying UN or seashells guaranteed me to win the jackpot. I feel robbed. Robbed of my ability to be serious.
  3. Davy Jones

    Davy Jones New Member

    The both of you need to sacrifice some Vikings to me before you are worthy of winning such a prize.

    Start with those that do not believe in higher beings than themselves, and work your way up...
  4. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    i was not asking about the winning numbers sheesh, the numbers i pick are not the numbers on my ticket. thats what i was asking about and iDavy Jones you need to get better before you can do anything...LOL
  5. i thought something was a little weird

    but i thought i was hallucinating lol

    i dont even pick my own

    but sometimes i swear the numbers on the quick pick

    are not the same when its time to check it
  6. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    nope you are not hallucinating i do pick my numbers and they change when i accept so if that is the way it will be i wont bother picking but i will write down the numbers i get to double check after the game is done and ready to check.
  7. Davy Jones

    Davy Jones New Member

    Get better at what, exactly?

    I'm not ill, sick (excluding the head) nor am i suffering from any kind of ailment.

    I just need non-believers sacrificed to me to regain my once-lost power.

    Speaking of non-believers, this one will do quite nicely!

    The first one to sacrifice this one upon my soggy sponge-like altar shall be rewarded with umpteen trillion seashells... And maybe a lottery win, who knows.
  8. screen shot

    then screen shot again if its not same

    then send to support.......

    im gonna have to double check mine again
  9. cosmostail

    cosmostail Super Moderator

    Hi Larry,

    There are several possible things could lead to your issue:
    1. In the lottery, we gave one free ticket every day. The free ticket will be randomly picked from system.
    2. You can choose your own number when you manually select the 5 numbers but you accidently click the "Quick Pick" buy button (Notice there are two buy buttons in the lottery game).
    3. The lottery number is sort numerically. The smallest number always comes first. For example, if you picked 23 12 03 34 41, your ticket will display as 03 12 23 34 41.

    Last edited: Jul 22, 2011
  10. TheWarden

    TheWarden New Member

    Same thing happened to me, when you have free tickets. What i found works, is right after you collect/check your ticket, pick your numbers. if you leave that lottery screen and come back, the system will have picked numbers for you and you can chose your own numbers, since you have free tickets waiting. I have a question for Admins, do the winnings stack? For instance, if i dont check for 2 days, but had two free tickets waiting, will the system automatically chose the free tickets for me , and if i won, stack the winnings until i collect them?

  11. Ace

    Ace Member

    To your question, you can check if you won even if the day has passed.
  12. cosmostail

    cosmostail Super Moderator

    Hi TheWarden,

    Just want to clarify something so it is not misleading any further, in our current lottery program, you will not get a chance to pick your own number for free tickets. This works just like a real life lottery, when you won free ticket, the system picks number for you.
    Depends what you mean by winnings stack... The system will only automatically validate your current lottery draw. If you don't check for 2 days, you have to go to [My Ticket] to manually validate them. As long as you validate your tickets within 7 days, you will be always eligible to claim your prize.

    Last edited: Jul 30, 2011
  13. Mr Killer Man

    Mr Killer Man Active Member

    Welcome new "super mod"! I was wonder who your were answering questions like you knew exactly what you were talking about! lol Well I guess you should know since you are a "Super Mod" not just any ole stinking mod, but a "Super Mod"!

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