not letting me send out invites

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by Seth Mad Dog, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. Seth Mad Dog

    Seth Mad Dog Member

    can't send invites,and it's not a limit thing either. I have deleted inactive squad members and it still wont let me click on send zombie slayer invite request.
  2. Seth Mad Dog

    Seth Mad Dog Member

    or sending gifts,boosts also.
  3. Seth Mad Dog

    Seth Mad Dog Member

    never mind looked at other games and it's not working must be a facebook thing,thanx anyway.
  4. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    Invites and gifts are sent through a request which is a Facebook channel that we have no control over. There are some things that you can try: try logging out of Facebook and clearing the cache of your internet browser as it will force a re-download of Facebook scripts, try updating your current browser, try using a different browser and try updating your Java. Hope this helps.
  5. Seth Mad Dog

    Seth Mad Dog Member

    Started working again. If facebook put a freeze on me I thought they'd tell me. Had been sending alot of invites for other games maybe that was it.

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