There is no possible way. This cannot be explained.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by HeyUwereWTFpwned, Jul 21, 2011.

  1. 11 days started. over 300 lvls today, killed more zombies than most kill in a year. So someone going to tell me this person has been smoking crack, no sleep for 11 days straight playing Zombie Slayers??

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2011
  2. lots of energy????

    kano account????

    donated life savings to kano???

    but a little fyi

    posting other players link is against forum rules

    just a little fyi on that
  3. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    This isn't really that hard to do. On hi5 there's a level 1131 that started 26 days ago. They just went all energy.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2011
  4. and seeing that the hardest punch is 5 for this player

    means they literally went energy and most likely had someone kill there single bosses so they could move on
  5. Jessica

    Jessica Member

    A pure energy account can level every minute or two depending on clicking speed. So it would take maybe 5-10 hours for 300 levels. That might seem like a lot to some but as a fellow crazy hardcore gamer I've spent more than 12 hours a day gaming when I have nothing else to do. :p
  6. they will have problems though

    theyll be easy to beat when attacked no matter what they got

    also theyll most likely lose when attacking

    and they cant damage bosses for nothing either

    so they can get high in level

    but anyone with decent attack and items can most likely beat them

    so that high level wont mean a thing
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2011
  7. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    I have removed the link for this player. In future please send in actions that you consider to be questionable into support.

    I will have a look into the account but will not comment here. I will leave that up to the players to discuss. :)
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2011
  8. thanks for the information and im sorry, will never happen again about a link to player, didnt know.
  9. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member


    I remember last year (late 2010 around Fall or so)...There was a level 200 on the TOP of the VAULT list on MySpace.

    It was a Kano account that someone had messed up on apparently because I emailed them and asked how someone that has done damn near no outbreaks, no fights, no bosses....could possibly have 200+ Billion in their vault.

    2 days later the account was not on the leaderboard and someone at Kano told me they screwed up and they were working on something.

    @ATHEISTIC SATANIST.......likely would lose? hell man, someone that goes all energy, literally, all energy....wouldn't even be able to beat a damn level 20 lol.....
  10. I joined 414 days ago
    I'm sure he will never beat me
  11. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    One would hope so, unless the person spends several thousand dollars on UN points. lol
  12. Let them thats the only way this game stays "free" bless them those that do and thank them. Yes I am one that does bless me too. Its not a charity business is....
  13. Ahad

    Ahad Member

    He must have gone 100% energy. Someone could start a new account now and have it unbeatable to this energizer bunny by the time they get their 20th Top Squad member. Or maybe sooner, depends on the laughability extent of the attack.

    The ability to kill the above mentioned ridiculously-fast-levelling rodent isn't even a factor in this(goes without saying), who are they ever going to kill with what must be starting health? Time isn't even a person...


    The next one of Gina's many, many, many namechanges will be to "Ginachoo"

    Possibly with a profile picture of a Pikachu, a zombie one for bonus points!
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2011
  14. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    You're welcome :) lol......I'm one of those people that helps the game stay free for the rest of you guys.
  15. Genevieve Fay

    Genevieve Fay Member

    excuse but the "free" players are not freeloaders! we support the game as much as the cash shop players do just by playing. every time we post a feed thats free advertising for the company. every click we make tallies up in their system and they make money. free players support the game too.

    the thousands of free to play games out there are not just subsisting on the few players that spend money.

    on the topic, a few days ago I saw a player who had 20000 fight wins in 9 days. I have a little more than 15k in over 380 days..I admit I spend most of my stamina on bosses..mainly coz the fightlist s so small..I get 20 hits in then theres nobody left to attack.

    I'm still scratching my head in how a person managed to spend 20,000 stamina over 9 days...starting from level 1
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2011

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