Really? Just cause you aren't fast enough they are cheating? People like you should have a disclaimer on themselves saying "I say stupid shit that holds no merit."
Like Atheistic said.....
They can have low health--which requires ONE attack to knock off (if you have decent health). I did that a lot today actually.
I have a pretty fast connection......and I also time listings with my friends.
You know, some of us talk to people who play the game and coordinate hits to make things easier. I get a 5-10 second heads up when hits are going out. So I'm clicking as fast as HUMANLY possibly so I'm the first one that sees it go up.
If you are on your HOME page...and you try to go to the hitlist.......GOOD FKN LUCK!
If you want hitlist kills.......sit there...and click on "hitlist"...over...and over..and least 1000 times. You think I'm kidding? I get that stupid ass "answer 1+1=" crap ALL the time.
I honestly can't stand people that say "YOU ARE CHEATING" simply because their own skills are seriously lacking. QUIT HATIN ON PEOPLE WHO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING.
Last edited: Jun 22, 2011