Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by wtf a talking towel, Jun 1, 2011.

  1. Lets see, recently ZS has gotten 3 new areas and 3 new bosses, PC has gotten 3 new areas and 3 new bosses, Mob Wars has gotten 1 new area, 1 new boss and 1 new world boss......all the while Viking Clan has gotten ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I can assure you I am not the only player that feels screwed in the tyndall about this obvious lack of concern for expanding VC while the other apps grow by leaps and bounds.

    Please, give us a new area and/or a new boss before adding any new content to the other games. Just throw us a freaking bone here, The higher levels on VC are no doubt sick of doing the same adventure thousands of times and the last boss released for us is already up in the 50s, 60s or higher levels for many players. For the love of Eddie, give us something new to do please!
  2. Correction ZS now has 4 new areas added. Come on Eddie, you started this with Vikings why are you ignoring us now???
  3. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    "screwed in the tyndall" - LOL

    But yeah, I completely agree. PC has SO many cool new things, while VC hasn't gotten anything new (except the Boss damage limit thing - which is AWESOME - that is on PC as well, and the month new gifts - also widespread - AND some new favor point items - again, this happens on all apps). I feel neglected. My Pirate is mocking my Viking as he speeds past, leaving my Viking spitting dust.
  4. Red

    Red Member


    But in VC thou have shit to do until lv 3000 or so..
  5. that shiz ran out a long long time ago. lv 3000 isnt that high of a level on VC like it would be on ZS or MW.

    Come on Eddie/Kano/Pimpillian/Eric/whoever else, all we want is just one new world (Muspell Godly Trials) or a new coop boss, I'll fight the bloody Peanut Butter Crunch Bird at this point now. If you don't have the manpower I'd be happy to volunteer Para to donate his time to developing the new boss/area, heck I'd do it myself.
  6. There are many players willing and able to spruce up Viking Clan, if Kano would give them the chance.

    I've offered to work for Favor Points, to make new adventures, blacksmith recipes, and bosses.

    Unfortunately, such offers of essentially free labor have gone un answered.
  7. See, we even have an industrious cat willing to put in the time to give us some new content, and he'll work for mere catnip!

    Sign me up for that offer too, and don't forget Para, I am volunteering Para for this too.
  8. but we want people to be able to read the content without the need of a para translator.
  9. Sure would make for some great support threads i.e. "what does this mean?"
  10. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Right you are, my feline friends.

    We Vikings are terribly neglected! No bosses, no lands, not even new Empire (2 per land for Helheim and beyond is not helping when considering buying legendary Items.)

    So please, release at least a new Boss for Viking Clan, Thrand suggested a three-headed cat, an idea I endorse. And please, give us a catgirl warrior!
  11. Susan K

    Susan K Member

    for me, not so high level, I just wish I could see my defense loadout when I hover like I can with the inventory sorts in ZS & PC
  12. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    We have not been ignoring you guys in Viking Clan! Our number 1 priority in VC is a new location. While I can't give you an exact date, we do hope to have it released soon.:cool:
  13. kennycjr

    kennycjr Member

    a new area would be nice, i think we'd all rather have a boss tho.

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