[ZS] May 30th Update - Boss Helper Max Dmg Configurable by Boss Owner

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kendall, May 31, 2011.

  1. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Boss owners are now able to enforce Boss Helper Max Dmg each time they start a battle with a new boss. The control is currently on the lower left of the boss view under "Helper Max Dmg", dmg defaults to max boss health and min is 1 / (num attackers) * max boss health to spread damage across all evenly.

    This will not stop helpers from going over the max dmg, but once a helper has done more dmg than the max they will no longer be able to attack your boss.

    Give it a shot and let me know your feedback.
  2. jon french

    jon french Member

    Looks good, thats a nice rollout, simple and effective.

    Could the minimum be set lower than currently though?

    1 / (num attackers *2 or 3) * max boss health

    Something like that?
    Last edited: May 31, 2011
  3. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Yes, we can look at lowering that down but we may want to keep it at having dmg spread out equally so that everyone gets a fair shot at dmg and drops on a boss that is requested for help. I guess the only risk of going too low is that players may get discouraged helping out.
  4. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    This is good for people who don't spend $$, nice addition. It will probably help lower levels get boss weapons if the boss owner sets it up correctly.

    I take down my own bosses for the most part and refill if I have to...so this doesn't really do much for me. As I only call for boss help when there is under 500k health left....if I even call for help.
  5. malific

    malific Member

    It´s a nice addition! I´d just keep an eye and double-check no bosses have a minimum damage requirement that goes over the lowest maximum damage level, my guess is it should never happen.
  6. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    It is possible to go over, say you launch a 20 stamina power attack for you first attack, if dmg is more from the 20 stamina power attack it will still be successful it is just that you will not be able to go beyond that.
  7. jon french

    jon french Member

    kendall - you misunderstood i think. He means the lowest you should be able to set your boss at is equal to the min damage on that Boss for joiners to get Boss drops.

    sounds like the easiest way to go i think, min dmagae capped at min dmagae for boss drop at death and max being well max
  8. malific

    malific Member

    Sorry for the late reply.

    Jon´s right, what I meant is you should always ensure that no matter how you set the help damage slider, it should never go below the minimum damage required to get boss drops, since it would make no sense to join a boss you can´t get rewards of (unless you´re helping somebody, but you´d still be limited to a small help). I figure it already works that way, but just wanted to point it out in case you didn´t think about it.


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