Rank: 26 (Last Season)
Division: Anarchy
Members: 24 / 25
Leader: Nivs Annihilation Squa
Craig KillZZ
An Innocent Bystander
Hey U were WTF pwned
Recruiting: Yes still blocked...oh pot kettle...idiot
Punch Deaths: 15
[SINS] Hey U were WTF pwned
Level 694 Lawyer Offline
(In Hospital)
not an emeny of any description...whiners ...and KANO shoppers...keep it up
we love the way you keep begging...NOT GONNA HAPPEN..
quality...ENEMYS...not ambulance chasers
FRESH IN i c u.....BADGERSTOWN ..hospital......with the rest of the useless faction SINS.....Stop...I...Need....Sympathy..with the rats as the only visitors
Last edited: May 29, 2011