so low levels are allowed to whine and complain while the higher levels that WERE THERE FROM THE BEGINNING ARENT???SERIOUSLY????
only reason the 300s range would complain is simply they leveled to quickly for there own good.they simply had to read and see that 300 they were open
now a high level cant look after clan especially if the example i brought up more than once is the case.
why penalize the highers cause the noob didnt realize it was a trap to level so fast
how is that the high levels fault the noob fell for the leveling trap
game was fair as it was but once again us the noobs dont read and whine complain cause they realize they screwed up leveling so fast.
seriously high levels that had been here from the BEGINNING that invested $$ into the app just so we can get screwed over by noobs not reading and whine and complain??
if you get up past level 2000 you will be seeing my side of this
if you have a bully then get stronger and/or get high level clan to go after them
strongly disagree on range limit.let the lower just try the higher so the higher can pound them down.get up past level 2000 seriously.
why should the game have to change BIG TIME when i bet EVERYONE on that leaderboard endured all of this regardless of which network.thats slapping them straight in the face
Last edited: May 12, 2011