bounties/hitlists and counters/ambushes

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ATHEISTIC SATANIST, May 8, 2011.


should counters/ambushes count when attacked on bounty/hitlist

  1. yes

    11 vote(s)
  2. no

    7 vote(s)
  1. Polishpimpn 2 @
    yes counters on bounty so larry cant claim his own bounty ( Joking) :D:D:D
  2. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    i think they should, makes bounties more fun
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Although a little off topic....I would love to hear what u think the higher levels have handed to them. R u saying the lower levels somehow have it tougher? I find it a bit odd that im having to say this but here goes.....To become a higher must first be a lower level and go through whatever it is that u think is somehow tougher and must be worked harder for.

    The fact that someone is on the bounty list....does not mean that that player has done something wrong and is deserving of being penalized. It merely means that somebody wanted them there for any number of reasons legitimate or not.

    The player on bounty must endure attacks whether wins or losses, why r they not entitled to the full xp as if they were under attack from the same players while not on bounty? The way it is currently set penalizes the bounty rider by not awarding them any stats yet they must still spend the gold to heal and it takes them away from their normal game play in which they may very well be gaining these stats.

    In addition....all the players who r attacking the player on get the stats whether good or bad. So I would argue that the bounty rider is having to endure addition losses/penalties in addition to the inevitable death at the whim of whoever listed them. while everyone else involved including the lister gets something out of it.
  4. AresDeimos

    AresDeimos Member

    lmao i love reading these things
  5. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    The idea of getting XP from riding the Hitlist was shot to hell several months back. I gave several examples why it would have been a bad move.

    Therefore, while I agree that bringing more divergence to the hitlist might be fun, the hitlist was never meant to give people xp for free, rather it should take xp from them.
  6. Ace

    Ace Member

    I don't think they should be triggered. I set ambushes on people so they feed me XP. When you're bounty attacked, you get no XP, so that would make my ambush a real waste.
  7. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    That makes no sense....half your argument against xp for the "rider" was that it would be abused. Taking xp from them ...would guarantee that it would be abused. Players would be listing players for just that reason alone

    There is only one player in the game that can ride the list for as long as they wish and that player is so powerful that very few ever attack and when they do the xp would be crappy if it was awarded to her. Their base bounty is also so large that it would not make economic sense to keep listing her for the measly scraps of xp she would get.

    im saying that some player just getting chain listed by some bully for no reason other than to be a prick....Deserves something in return for his continuous deaths. , and the players(like yourself) who have built their characters so they can at least stay up their for a short while...they deserve something for their troubles as well....

    Anybody that is powerful enough to stay up there....has a large enough bounty that it becomes unfeasible to continue to bounty them after just a few. Everybody else is not powerful to stay up there long enough to gain that much xp. Where would the abuse be?
  8. Ace

    Ace Member

    Well, I don't know you, but I don't place bounties on my enemies to give them XP, I put them so they die ;)
  9. Seth Mad Dog

    Seth Mad Dog Member

    Being hitlisted should be a bad thing not a good thing, but to top level players it is. they desquad to list their buddies all the time. I think the punishment should be more severe for hitlisted people. Maybe a far bigger xp loss. When I get hitlisted, a couple of challenge helps easily recoups the damage. But paying for hitlists hurts my game far more with the cost of properties and outbreaks. If they are going to be so expensive then they should do more damage to be worth it.
  10. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    You lose XP when you get killed. That was what I was referring to when I said, HL takes away xp. This is the intention of a bounty, slow a rival down. Chainlisting smaller players? I do it. One person insulted a dear friend for leaving the guild they were both in, and on the same day this person left the guild, too. So I keep an eye on keeping her dead. Or the tyndall watch. Do you think it is fair, when someone who gets 24 times the income you get chainlists you? Nope, of course it isn't. And yes, my daily income is about 24 times that of tyndall. Maybe even more.

    Riding the hitlist comes with building a PvPvM character, Player versus Player versus Monster. I admit that I love to collect shiny things.

    Three example builds:
    I'm a PvPvM, with High Stam, High Health, medium att/def
    Thrand is PvM, High Stam, High Attack, High Health, low to no def
    Then there are the PvP ones, low to medium Health, High Att/Def, Medium to High Stam

    PvM and PvPvM can ride the list, as they have the health to do so. PvP are purely intended to fight other players, and maybe get some boss kill rewards.

    I didn't intend to be able to ride the list, this merely comes with the most handy way of building a character. PvPvM players can succeed in both Monster Fights and Battles.

    And as I said, xp gains on the HL are not a good idea. I posted examples some months back and you agreed. I could search the thread so you can take a look there.


    Finally I want to say, making the hitlist more exciting sounds good at first glance, but I would prefer it if nothing is changed. Too many possibilites to screw things up there. Listing should be a stick between your legs, to trip you while fighting/leveling, not another way to gain xp.
  11. Mr Killer Man

    Mr Killer Man Active Member

    Get ya income up and your bounty will be expensive as well.

    Do you see my sig pic? Is there a limit to how big it can be?
  12. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Well,ten to six so far.Seems there's some that actually like this suggestion of yours,cousin.

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