bug or change and FAQ not updated??

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ATHEISTIC SATANIST, May 10, 2011.

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  1. Anyone who is over a minimum level 300 can be hitlisted/bountied by any player at any level. If you are below that level, then players who are less than 2 times your level can bounty you (example I am level 50, I can only be bountied by players who are level 100 or less). If the lower level does not retaliate, then that higher level player cannot attack. If a lower level attacks an out of range higher level player, they will be up for attack until either the higher level kills them or the 24-hr retaliation window expires.

    Nick the almighty is out of your experience range and cannot be placed on the bounties list.

    Nick the almighty Level 453 Merchant Viking
  2. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    I'd say bug. I've listed some Level 300+ in the last days and never had this problem.

    I think I encountered this before. And more than once. Once with a Level 800 or so.
  3. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Please don't tell me it's because of all the whiners.Please please don't say that.Level 300 is a fair range.Just because someone is blind and doesn't READ is NO excuse.It's been level 300 for the longest time and it's a fair range.
    I know plenty will stop paying if this is an actual change and not a bug.
  4. Grim Reaper Griffin

    Grim Reaper Griffin New Member

    I can only only place people that are level 500+ on the bounty list.
  5. oh come on.
  6. this is a bit insane this lvl 487 hitlisted me, and then spammed my inbox. my plan was, I'd delete one message every time I hitlisted him... I still have 12 more messages to delete, but now I gotta wait for him to hit 500??? well only 13 levels, but come on.
  7. Kendall,Eric,Kano Support.....anyone.......
  8. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Tested it with a Level 303 right now. Can't list her.

    Please take back this change! 300 was a fair enough level! Soon they will wail that 500 is not fair and that anyone under Level 1000 shouldn't be touchable and so on.
  9. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    u should not be able to list anyone more than half ur lvl anyway, i havent tested what u are sayin but its STUPID to be able to list someone just bc they hit lvl300, i've said it once and will continue to say it, that was just STUPID to give all power to the higher lvls...LoL
  10. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Yes the bounty levels have been adjusted to better suite each game and all the changes since we first launched each game. We may increase them again / adjust the range.

    Here are the new levels where hitlisting is opened up:

    VC => Level 500 (Jotunheim)
    PC => Level 510 (Davy Jones Locker)
    LCN => Level 500 (Johannesburg)
    ZS => Level 540 (Egypt)

    Here are the reasons why we adjusted these levels and out thoughts behind it:

    • it is one of the top issues we deal with in our support, users not understanding why they can be hitlisted by a player at level 3000 when they are at 300
    • at one point level 300 may have made sense, but now that we have added so much content beyond level 300 hitlist costs and income levels between a level 300 and say someone at 1000 is not a level playiing field
    • players that are below the free for all level can still be hitlisted by people that are double their level, so a level 800 can hitlist level +400's.
    • level 300 can be reached somewhat quickly by a new dedicated player, getting repeatedly hitlisted by a +1000 level player is not a great introduction to the game and has turned off many players

    Thanks for the heads up on the FAQ, now that the levels are different (which they should be since Level XP curves are different for each game) a general FAQ question won't work.

    Feedback is always appreciated.
  11. well ALOT are pretty irritated about it.

    im waiting for this thread to get all negative feedback
  12. just to prove a point im gonna have 1 of my friends slow down leveling.this way they have time to build income and then chain list everyone in range.

    even at level 300 if done right you can get a high income

    he will be all but untouchable to list since no one will be able to afford it
  13. Grim Reaper Griffin

    Grim Reaper Griffin New Member

    I have a lot of players lvl 300-500 who send me stupid messages but don't attack or slap me. I normally bounty list them as a retaliation to them being stupid. This is kind of a big change that should go back to the way it was.
  14. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    On the merits of the change can anyone disagree with it?

    Level 300 was set from the outset of each game. With so much that has changed with regards to new content and time required to actually get to level 300, this change was needed for the health of the game. We currently lose too many new players being opened up at level 300.

    Adjusting to these new levels players are opened up for free for all once they hit the 60=>70% content unlocked stage.
  15. well once my level 300+ friend builds his income and starts chain listing everyone we'll see how many still think it was a good move.
  16. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    In my opinion if your going to keep it like that ,then when ( or ) if they join a guild they should be open to all forms of attack from any enemy guild. Just my opinion
  17. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    KANO! Once again your handicapping the higher levels! This is a fighting game...players that had achieved level 300 know full well what the heck to expect...WE ALL HAD TO GO THROUGH IT! Im so damn tired of these pesky little low levels being afforded all these protections that we were not. We had to earn our stripes while they get coddled.

    Unknowingly....all youve done is promote the use of alts. These lil punks that can sit and accrue massive amounts of cash for now an additional 200 levels while going unchecked.

    Using your logic/reasoning...I think its now time to give us higher levels the same respect u give the lowers. Remove the level cap the keeps higher levels from attacking other higher levels which happen to be below them....This cap is WAAAAY to restrictive. For example....JJ should be able to attack anyone above level 2500. Once again using your logic...these players are ingrained into the game and know what the heck to expect.

  18. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    EXCELLENT SUGGESTION LARRY! or at the very least if they r a declared enemy of a particular guild
  19. http://forums.kanoapps.com/showthread.php?t=2450
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