How shall I define bullying? Hmm, well lets see. He's about 300-400 levels higher than I am. He bounties me every 2 days, axeslaps me on a daily basis, and I am quite sure he has a couple of alts on him who also bounty me.
Regarding as to WHY I think he has alts (like I sent to the developers 2 months ago or more but never responded to);
(quoted from the myspace VC forums)
Now, after I was asked to post their join dates, I found this.
Original link -
But yeah, that was two months ago, and the FieldingtheBlessed and FieldingtheFabulous accounts have both bountied me several times now. And whats the point in setting up a 500 billion bounty trap when it doesnt really do anything? (Oh it kills him, but whats the point if his survival streak is only 20 or something).
[edit] The fieldingtheblessed userpage says I'm out of his experience range, yet he can still bounty me. The last time I attacked him I don't even remember, so he's probably using a loophole in the game. No clue what though.
Last edited: Mar 18, 2010