i love new upgrade (Are You Human) that ask you some maths so if you on bounty and mats come up you cant heal and what happen if player try ignore maths ? or bounty is free from bot/auto-heal detection ?
I think this just got me. I dropped my warrior count to let my guild member attack me to level. Was on my laptop clicking away at heal, not even really paying attention, hell I was clicking with my toe while playing on my desktop. Does that count as a bot I wonder?? Me physically doing the clicking, but not looking at the screen, or paying attention to the laptop at all, just using it to heal so she can attack me and get her levels?? Anyway, was on my desktop playing same account, same game, and BAM Account frozen. And no I'm not really mad about this happening, I'm happy that they take steps to prevent bots, but it is a bit of a pain. now if my stam was still high and I thought there was a chance I'd over regen before this got settled..... Then I'd be a little put out.
hence another reason i say NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO para dont you remember what happened to you in original mob with this
I'm kinda confused... WHERE did this message pop up? Was it when you clicked "Heal" once too many times? I'm having major difficulty following this argument. What's going on?
hasnt happened to me YET lol. still a bad idea. these pop ups are known to get stuck. just ask para what happened to him on original mob wars when they had this.
You know that this will not affect Eddie's Legend account because of his sway over the operation of Kano. I had suggested something like this a long time ago and it was brought up that it was done on another app which locked out too many people by accident.
What hasn't happened to you yet? That bot-stopping popup? And what makes it a bad idea? When "they" had "what"? What do you mean by "stuck"? Oh, Para, what happened to you on original mob when "they" had "this"?
See my first reply to this thread. From what I can divine from this conversation, making several assumptions mind you: Anyone not paying attention to the screen, while clicking can be locked out by this feature clicking heal too many times too soon together is likely to initiate this popup if you're on the hitlist healing like crazy it can result in a death due to inability to heal effectively this feature locked out players before, presupposing that they were bots when in fact they were not. Did I miss anything, or get anything incorrect?
Is this change already in effect? If so it is a stupid idea. Anyone trying to level and heals to often will have this come up and if they hit the wrong answer what then? They get frozen?
No! This is a terrible idea.The intention is understandable but this is the wrong way to go about it.This is only asking for players to get irritated.
that was long time a go and i was addicted to game mob wars on facebook ... what happen that some how picture stop showing leters and so many stop play .. this one have maths and looks like easy one .. i know some players attack to fast and any message pop out they dont look/ignore some like 1000 victory achievement or 1000 bounty kills .. so player keep clicking on side of message.. i didnt know that some one got frozen for ignoring message - that's a bit sharp LOL
Ok, to those of you who are sure this is a bad idea. I'm going to ask you, "What is your counter suggestion?" I understand what they are trying to do, as the first one to report being frozen by this, I didn't complain, and even explained to Kano what I felt happened. I showed my approval for their attempting to eliminate bots from their game by purchasing Favor Points, that I currently don't need. I've got almost 300 of those just sitting there doing nothing now. If you get popped by this as a bot, and you're not a bot, simply send Kano Support a message telling them what time you got frozen, and, well, if you were at the keys, the time you give should be the same or close to the time they registered the account being frozen. Allow several minutes for human processing, ie working their way to your e-mail, making necessary corrections, and you lose out on what a couple hours of playing a game?here's a list of things to get you through this horrific downtime Read a book catch up on some TV watch a movie do the dishes (what I did) clean out the litter box walk the dog, vacuum your residence show some affection to your significant other/ go get a significant other. take a shower heat up more bagel bites program a better bot play a video game investigate the weird green substance between your toes eat the weird green substance between your toes instead of investigating order pizza and use stop watch to clock their delivery time report neighbor for grilling on wooden balcony, use stopwatch to clock their response time compare pizza delivery time to police response time give pizza delivery driver a big tip for beating the police repeat experiment but tell 911 dispatcher you have fresh krispy kreme donuts enjoy arrest for code594, 288, and 289 (unlawful promise of donuts to an officer) change your vehicles oil (other maintenance) fix a that computer in the corner you refuse to throw away because it's still good just needs some work make a list of things to do while waiting for your account to be reinstated and post it on the forum
bot detections should ALL be behind the scenes and not effect/hinder game play like this as my cousin(lord breakfield)said this is just asking to irritate players behind the scenes is the best way
We are currently running tests to detect require input when people hit high thresholds around certain activities. We have always had behind the scenes tracking but it is difficult to make any decisions based on actions alone, requiring input / human interaction is really the only way to detect / weed would simple automation. We have been receiving complaints around auto clickers, etc, and players pleading to take action, this is in response to that. We appreciate your input as we continue to revise the system and make Kano games fair and fun!
well if on bounty and this pops up the only way i can see its fair is if this pops up that the bounty is unattackable for a reasonable amount of time to answer. if that happens then its not that big a deal
Rather than having an answer you have to actually type, imo it should be a multiple choice question where the location of the correct answer is different every time. Even just something like this- Don't click me... Click me! Don't click me... Don't click me...
Sometimes my keyboard just refuses to type.What would happen if I refreshed the page to get my keyboard working again?Would I get frozen?How exactly is that fair?This is actually hindering rather than helping.
OK guys, simple facts, that I had assumed did not need to be said: Even this detection can probably be circumvented by a good programmer it's not like they are asking for captcha which maybe they should We could do nothing like Zynga, and watch as people are going up 800 levels a day unimpeded. or they can take botting seriously, which in my opinion shows some respect to those of us who have paid them to play these games. They are doing something about it, It's not perfect, it has it's tweaks that are needed, there's going to be some false positives, these things happen. As long as they are willing to rectify their mistakes.... MAYBE with a token offering of FP to those falsely accused?? Hint Hunt Nudge Nudge Wink Wink!! There isn't any real problem. Yeah so only Jillian will be staying on the hitlist after this question pops up, but oh well.
Sometimes the battery in my wireless keyboard dies and i have to ignore chats / fully empty vault to withdraw any money. What would i do in this situation? I would be unable to play as i could not heal. Don't bother telling me to get new batteries, batteries don't grow on trees just the same as money doesn't.