Australia to Nigeria

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by SLG, May 5, 2011.

  1. SLG

    SLG New Member

    Level 655, just unlocked Nigeria. Can't do anything there. Have to be 660 to do the first outbreak. So I guess just redo stuff in Australia??? Really??? Why the 5 level gap? I actually had to redo a lot in Australia anyhow just to get to the required levels to do the work. I would finish an outbreak and not be able to start the next. I think the level requirements need to be revisited.
  2. malific

    malific Member

    I haven´t had that problem yet, but that´s because it usually takes me 5 levels or more to finish the last outbreak LOL! Maybe you put too much into energy.
    I do agree some jobs need a higher energy cost though.

    PERTINAX New Member

    Everyone has the same thing and I dont see it as a problem...I believe its a great help to you / it allows you to see whats coming and gives you time to adjust your gameplay if you so wish.

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