Bounty range is not fair!!!!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by TheHealingBotForParaGuild, May 1, 2011.

  1. Here is some reasons as to why the current range is NOT fair!!!

    Protecting clan is really just an excuse to brag to low level your authority,resulting to bullying. If you want to protect your clan then why not sent your clan with same range level to do the work.
    A low level being a part of an armada you don't like?Please!!!!! That is BLATANT bullying!!
    A little level 600 being chain listed by level 2000 and higher? The level 600 did NOTHING to them!!!! NOTHING!!!!!!
    Why allow this to happen for?There is NO reason to allow this!!!! NONE!!!!!!
    The hitlist feature and range REALLY need to be looked at and adjusted!!!!!!
    Anyone that says to toughen up well that makes you a bully yourself!!!!
    There are MANY MANY high levels ABUSING this!!!!!!MANY will quit because of this UNFAIRNESS!!!
    Last edited: May 1, 2011
  2. toughen up:p

    this has already been mentioned multiple times and guess what.....thats right......its still the same as its been.

    maybe a tweak can be done perhaps..........
    Last edited: May 1, 2011
  3. gene illugi

    gene illugi Active Member

    i'm sorry , i'm not clear on what your complaining about . are you talking about getting beat up by higher level players from an enemy guild ? if so , wouldn't the easiest path be to not be enemies with guilds that contain higher level players ? or not be in a guild at all ?

    btw , don't you think that the name you have chosen may by itself make you a target for higher level players ?
  4. lol i remember para thought this was pimp.i dont think so

    funny as his name is yeah i can see how that guild your part of would go after him
  5. gene illugi

    gene illugi Active Member

    i don't know what guild he's in ,lol . i've never run across him before . but i think he's asking for it . if he wants to be left alone he should change his name i think . or go play farmville .
  6. well i dont think he'll mind.

    look at towels guild and youll find this one
  7. gene illugi

    gene illugi Active Member

    hmmm , level 70 and only been killed once ? 1070 wins and 356 loses . sounds like somebody forgot to switch back to their main account before posting . otherwise what's the problem ? this account hasn't been played enough to have a problem with higher level players .
  8. well in all fairness gene in his post it does say "armada" not "guild"

    so maybe hes a 600 or so in pc?? just a guess could be wrong

    or another possibility is they see this happen and decided to make a thread on it(granted theres already quite a few of these)
    Last edited: May 2, 2011
  9. gene illugi

    gene illugi Active Member

    well , whoever it is he slapped me and now i'm going to be a bully and retaliate .
  10. lol if they slapped me id retaliate back to.why not?bright orange letters even for me(not that i care)

    gene Illugi is a higher level and out of your XP range. Any form of attack against this player will open you up for retalliation attacks.
  11. gene illugi

    gene illugi Active Member

    i'm sorry , it was "the super terrifying self healing kill bot" who slapped me . even more interesting wouldn't you say ? level 300 . is this the main account ? no , i don't believe so . lol. if these are second and ,or, third accounts , should they be complaining about anything ?
  12. oh oh level 300.hes fair game to list :D

    it "could be" the main.

    it "could be" a coincidence

    it "could be" none of the above

    maybe its Eddie lol

    whatever or whoever is irrelevant

    low level striking high level=punching bag

    and why would they even the right to complain for
  13. gene illugi

    gene illugi Active Member

    actually , level has nothing to do with it . if you hit someone you should expect to be a target . as someone else has commented , it's a war game . if a lower level hits a higher level should the higher level player ignore it ? if a player in a enemy guild is a lower level should he get a free pass ?
  14. Ace

    Ace Member

    When I list/punch/attack someone who doubles my level or stuff, I expect to be listed and Punched for an entire week lol, instead of complaining once that happens, I celebrate when it doesn't lmao
  15. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    ROFLMAO! Very clever...right down to the broken English!

  16. I've been chain listed numerous times... didn't complain, didn't whine, I just cranked up my income... then I cranked up my level.. now I beat on those that chain listed me.

    Learn from my example and you too one day can avoid making a whining crying (expletive deleted) of yourself on the forums
  17. gene illugi

    gene illugi Active Member

    shouldn't guild leaders tell their new lower level guild members just what they're getting into ? who the guilds' enemies are ? what their survival expectations are ?

    i think the new guild members are sometimes blindsided by their guild .
  18. Ace

    Ace Member

    Most times it's people who apply on a guild, and not a guild leader inviting them, when they apply, they probably are supposed to know the guild's allies and enemies, or are expected to ask their leaders. Few factions actually recruit people "just because", most need people to help them on a war, and help you on your battles in exchange.
  19. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    My Guild/Armada tend to let the members know the level and reason to attack any specific player.

    But the factions often have criteria, example of "daily player" and "above level 1000."
  20. kabutee

    kabutee Member

    "Stop crying to my inbox and get yourself a tissue."

    just kidding pal.

    we are so bad. instead of helping the new guy we make fun of him. we should be helping him play better. warlock have a good suggestion

    but TheHealingBotForParaGuild may have a point. since bullies are using bounty listing to attack lower levels. KANO might consider revising the rule but not totally removing. like AS said "maybe a tweak can be done perhaps" but KANO will listen if they see the problem. and whining is not the way to show them. you have to prove its "UNFAIR" and that a change will improve the game.

    btw welcome to the club. youre not the only one being bullied by high levels.:D

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