Low health parasites and exp

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by The Protector, Apr 29, 2011.

  1. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Your counter attack was a success! You be attacked by named removed and won the Battle, gaining 500,000 coins and 39 XP.

    39 exp? He's a level 534 and I'm a 522.My health is average.This guy's health is probably around 100.This seriously needs to be adjusted.This is allowing those that neglected health to leech off of higher health players.Please somehow adjust this.Whether if the low health player dies easier or actually rewards more experience.Something.
  2. i agree.this is annoying and has been brought up alot.

    april 27th update last year did make it where you died easier if you had low health but i guess too many low health players complained and it was reversed.

    but seriously if not dying easier then at least allow for more xp off these leeches please
  3. Apekiller

    Apekiller Member

    Killing these parasites is next to impossible since the damage they receive is proportional to their health, e.g. slapping them will do 1-2 damage.

    Here's a likely scenario:
    • parasite has 100 health, other player has 10-20k, maybe more, why not.
    • parasite attacks other player with normal amount of health -> he loses 10-20 health and so does the other player, allowing him to attack hundreds of times!
    • player with normal health retaliates on the parasite -> he does the same damage and can only attack a few times. In return he gets CRAP XP, and only gets the parasite's attention that he's healed and ready for a few hundred more attacks.
    • since retaliating didn't work, the player with normal health sets counters -> which also give CRAP XP and do not discourage the parasite.
    • what's worst, counters don't even kill the parasite.

    In my opinion, they should die on every single counter placed against them since they have so little health in comparison the other players.

    Seriously, this is very annoying and needs to be fixed. It's not balanced.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2011
  4. What is being hated on here is the secret power of the mr tyndall. If Kano changes this then he will be much much easier to kill without bounties and annoy far fewer players as his XP goes into the negative tens of thousands to thunderous applause
  5. lol i see so complain about parasites is kosher to mr jdg but complain about some one with all health and attackk and stam is just fine to you lol funny deal with it or ask kano to let you adjust your skill points for 10000 favor points hey kano they would make alot more money off you and jill and ben and pimp hehehe :D:eek::cool::D
  6. my health is 10,350 lol.thats at least 3 achievements for it.

    but not have even 1 achievement for it???????
  7. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Indeed, the game favors the Low-Health build. My Facebook Viking will stay at 5k health for quite a while. It's enough to get good xp from PvP and enough to win PvM fights.

    Actually, players with higher health are handicapped, as everyone who neglects health in favor of attack and defense can have several hundred skill points advantage. Which can make quite the difference.

    I'll say it again and again: There need to be repercussions for low health. It's not acceptable that neglecting a rather important stat has more upsides than downsides.
  8. the one with low health should receive

    less $$ won when winning attacks but lose the full amount when attacked

    lose even less life when attacked so they become the punching bag

    when attacking a average health player how bout low health lose 30% life on the first attack and then 70% on the 2nd attack :D

    something needs to be done about low health parasites.

    as Das said it has more upsides then downsides and health is a vital stat
  9. Ace

    Ace Member

    How much XP do parasites get when attacking high-health vikings? Do they get, for example, 120/130 XP like I do when fighting people with decent health, or do they get shit exp like we good-health vikings do when attacking them back?

    If it's the earlier, that should be fixed so parasites earn little exp, if it's the latter, well, punishment enough, they get a third of the exp a normal viking gets. When they start attacking me I just attack some other viking and put myself in the hospital before they put me in lol

    And properly placed ambushes can kill the target, but it doesn't happen too often, and will never happen if the parasite plays the game properly.
  10. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    My Level 1017 FB viking get's the average xp payout for the level, better xp when I chain higher leveled players. This is mostly due to my larger than average attack value.

    So far no one managed to get me with an ambush. Slaps/bounties yes, counters no.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2011
  11. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    So you've got a parasite on one app AND network? So you can verify how few checks there are against parasitism?
  12. now is it a parasite or a tyndall lol
  13. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Yes, that was the intention, I wanted to find out how a parasite Viking should be built and if there is anything that can be done against this type. So far nothing, as my accounting skills allow me to increase my bounty price fast. And I didn't even have to buy FP and I got a character change and still have more Chieftains than most players on my Level. I can safely whack Level 1100 to Level 1200 players around.

    Parasite. Or Mod-Towel. High Att, High Stam, Low Def, moderate to low Health, 1000 Energy.
  14. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Don't *punching bags* have low defense? What if our tyndall/parasite/mod-towel has decent to high defense?
  15. then its a mod turtle
  16. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Indeed. A punching bag has no real defense, like my FB Viking. But they usually have moderate to high health, so you can get several attacks in. My health is rather low.

    And as I progress on FB, XP gained from attacking me will suck more and more. But I can continue to whack people as I have hundreds of Skill Points spare that other players invested in health and defense. And I invest these in attack and stam. In short, a speeding parasite build. And as I said, save for some pure PvP players with only 1000 health and extreme att/def I found no one who was able to stop me.

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