Killing these parasites is next to impossible since the damage they receive is proportional to their health, e.g. slapping them will do 1-2 damage.
Here's a likely scenario:
- parasite has 100 health, other player has 10-20k, maybe more, why not.
- parasite attacks other player with normal amount of health -> he loses 10-20 health and so does the other player, allowing him to attack hundreds of times!
- player with normal health retaliates on the parasite -> he does the same damage and can only attack a few times. In return he gets CRAP XP, and only gets the parasite's attention that he's healed and ready for a few hundred more attacks.
- since retaliating didn't work, the player with normal health sets counters -> which also give CRAP XP and do not discourage the parasite.
- what's worst, counters don't even kill the parasite.
In my opinion, they should die on every single counter placed against them since they have so little health in comparison the other players.
Seriously, this is very annoying and needs to be fixed. It's not balanced.
Last edited: Apr 29, 2011