Getting a bit bored of the same thing over and over

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by D E O X Y S, Apr 26, 2011.

  1. D E O X Y S

    D E O X Y S New Member

    I do recognise that Kano try and keep their games as fresh as possible and try to keep new things constantly being rolled out in order to retain players as well as possible.

    However; I do feel that their is something missing, another dimension to the games

    When carnival shooters first came out players were impressed that Kano had thought of something which other providers/developers were not doing - these were later developed into rocket launcher shooters and now death deals.

    World boss fights are another thing which brought interest to the game as other providers/developers had not done this before.

    Faction leader board was a great idea at the time and still is in many ways - but very few players care for it.

    ... all this said I am still getting bored of the outbreaks - releasing zone after zone with no actual difference between them is getting monotonous and making me feel that this game is beginning to lack depth.

    Something I would like to see is another aspect added into the game - breaking out of the conventional health, attack, defence, stamina and energy style of play .. give us something new and refreshing.. think of something that hasn't been done before by any other developers.
  2. great idea.this belongs in feedback and suggestions section but very nice.any thoughts on like what?
  3. I suggested something on the Viking Clan section that would make the guilds/armadas etc more interesting. Could apply the same time of logic to Zombies, make it some Mad Max looking fortress or something.
  4. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    We appreciate your feedback. We are always looking for new things to introduce into the application but there is a balance that needs to be kept. We like to make sure that features are a good fit before moving forward. We do have some things that we are working on. Keep watching the forum for information about new features.

    If you have any other suggestions, please let us know.
  5. D E O X Y S

    D E O X Y S New Member

    I was thinking something along the lines of an additional challenge - where each zone would have something different to do which makes it relevant to the country it is in.

    Group/faction fights - at the moment we are able to "be at war" with another faction, but it doesnt mean anything other than the status - why not make it more relevant, add in an extra function where we can gain extra GP and exp by getting into faction fights, also this can be added onto the faction leader boards for faction fights won.

    In a way of breaking out of the generic health, attack, defence, stamina, energy style of game, why not add in additional abilities - psychic strengths or something, additional ways of attacking/fighting people - fighting with energy as well as stamina

    I dunno I'm short on ideas in a way, just want a bit of a shake up on the game which still remains in keeping with the original ideas and principles behind it.
  6. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    Thanks for you suggestions. We will add them to the list.
  7. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Nice, considering there isn't all that much done with factions and such, just makes coordinating easier with non-clan.

    Eh, that seems more like Superhero City and other such apps - the psychic stuff. But maybe new methods of fighting - example of Vikings mastering the usage of Throwing Axes or Pirates using something like Grappling Hooks... a separate *level up* function for attacking. It's kind of like the Power Attack in Pirate Clan against other players, but that one is very straight-forward - it merely needs attacks to charge.
    The Blacksmith could even be used with this! AWESOME idea, D E O X Y S! Now you've got me imagining how to implement this!
  8. Ace

    Ace Member

    Well, energy could have alternative uses other than Outbreaks. Right now, the only reason I save a few points is to avoid running out of energy when placing multiple booby traps, but such as it's used on Booby Traps, it could have several other uses, including things similar to Carnival Shooters/Death Deals that require energy and not chips, for example.

    The fighting against other slayers is working quite fine as it is IMO, but I agree that energy is pretty pointless once you get all achievements, and that will eventually happen.
  9. D E O X Y S

    D E O X Y S New Member

    (quoted just for the sake of it really)

    I have thought of something new, which Im pretty confident no one else is running...

    Introducing a second character - which you would have to develop by itself - it could/would have/do:

    * its own outbreaks

    * its own skill points

    * ability to fight other 2nd characters

    * ability to help 1st character with outbreaks and in fights

    * their own leader boards


    the main point being that it is another way of developing your first character, but keeps life fresh and takes players back to a starting point, obviously making the second character a support only character, weaker than the first - slower moving with less skill points attributed to them (say only 3 per level or something).

    By doing this or something like this it would bring a fresh perspective to the game which no others have AND in most Zombie movies/games their is always a main character with a supporting character - so it kinda runs in keeping with the zombie movie/game feel.


    let me know if I'm talking rubbish with this one or not
  10. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    A sidekick/minion type? Neat!

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