counter attacks

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ParashuramaBloodAxeLegend, Apr 19, 2011.



  1. YES

  2. NO

  1. gene illugi

    gene illugi Active Member

    so what your saying pimp is that you don't want any changes to the counter attacks because it would effect your play , because of how you set up your account ?

    who's being self-serving ?

    have you ever played any war games pimp ? real war games ? it makes a difference what you counter attack with , it's not an automatic win . there's much more strategy involved .

    i think it would make the game more interesting by making us think more about how we disperse our resources . and when we use them .
  2. Well Said Parasurama,True leader of Viking Clan!!. as always your the peace maker and time after time you show what a true leader is! Thank you Sir
  3. Great post Gene!! I think they need to make changes to the counter attack system. Kano lets try it for awhile and see what everyone thinks. Thanks.,
  4. and when you pass this "true leader" what exactly will that make you?the new true leader? and what exactly would you have to show for it?oh yeah thats right not a thing.

    almost forgot im on your ignore list so someone will have to quote me for you to see it.
  5. nice comment .. good point Gene more strategy will make game better
    and game will not look cheap and easy to crack lol
  6. found the freaking suggestion i was thinking about earlier.THIS would make it strategic and is a MUCH better suggestion than what youve proposed para
  7. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    So basically...those of you that think we should eliminate counters all together think it would be just fine if I was within your level range And capable of beating you...that you either........

    1)keep healing and let me hit u as many times as i want up to 5k times for 24 hrs
    2) stay in the hospital and not heal...never being able to get your dailies or carry on with your game in any way which requires health

    3) or simply be forced to battle me regardless of what u would rather be doing

    Yeah...Im sure thats gonna go over real well with the masses!

    The counter system works fine. If someone can actually afford to set counters on someone for any sustained amount of time...that means that the person they are countering has been kicking the crap outta them and deserves to be countered

    If the counter price is way to high for most to afford on a sustained basis...guess what? Either that person hasnt been messing with you or u have been messing with them way to much.....and u have rightfully lowered your counter price for them.

    So how about the players who think that counters should remain...but that they should not be effective against those payers with very little defense. Im yet to hear why this should be done.

    It seems to me that its these players that would actually need counters the stave off over zealous players who want to just pummel/bully defenseless players, please keep in mind that they can only afford the counters if they r truly getting the crap kicked out of them.

    It was suggested previously in this thread that in "real life" a person with drastically lower Defense or a much smaller clan would not nor should not be able to fend off the stronger force.. I strongly disagree with this because.....

    1) ummmm....this isnt real life!
    2) the counters are "ambushes"...which incorporate the element of surprise thus greatly leveling the playing field despite ones Defensive numbers or chieftain count. History is littered with cases of smaller forces overcoming great odds with strategic ambushes.
    3) there already is a cap in effect and players have built their character around such rules/limits.

    So lets just say counters were altered/changed so as to be less effective for players with very low Defense...then what? Should Kano allow them to reallocate their skill points? It would seem only fair as they built those characters with the current rules/guidelines in affect and they wouldnt deserve to have their character rendered useless through no fault of there of there own

    Where exactly would this new limit be set? If the limit was adjusted severely from where it currently sits it would potentially adversely affect 1000s of players...What a major cluster.... that would be.

    There is but one player in this game that is basically untouchable....that means that every single other player is vulnerable to some other player....remove counters and the potential or should i say the inevitable use of bullying tactics will run rampant thru out the game. If your gonna do this...then u might as well go ahead and remove all level restrictions and let everyone attack about pure chaos....and all because Para is tired of getting his ass served to him.
  8. sounds great i will say yes for any good suggestion :)

  9. LOL polish im not around 24/7 like you and Jillian but nice try :D
    just to add this polish -real life is still more interesting .. just spend good time with family today in The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew ;)
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2011
  10. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member we know why you clean toilets for a living.

    To answer your first question...YES it would affect my game greatly...probably more than anybody elses

    To answer your second question..............Yes....YOU ARE A MORON! how the hell is setting up a character while adhering to the rules and guidelines set forth at the time self serving? I believe that my argument against this proposal would fall more into the realm of self preservation....not "self serving"
  11. wow Polish calm down :eek:
  12. seems polish resorts to name calling when hes upset the app is not all about you lots of people like the idea let the vote decide quit being a cry babie the needs off the many always out way the the needs of a few :D:D:D:D
  13. and the vote is in favor of NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    so yes let the vote decide.
  14. so if Vote is ''NO'' why pimps panic ~? :D :p
    i say RELAX and enjoy game !!!
  15. well i know one thing for a fact

    if this change happens one of 2 things will happen

    A) alot will get in a big hissy fit and complain that its unfair and it will be changed back

    B) players will leave because this change would be bigger than any other change(yes bigger than the extra points and atk.def weighted heavier)

    if majority of players actually made a account then "NO" would win by a landslide.
  16. gene illugi

    gene illugi Active Member

    name calling pimp ? trying to get the thread deleted ? and as usual your data is outdated and false . at least i work for a living pimp . and not as a janitor at this time in history .

    again i ask you what do you have against people who clean up after slobs ?

    anyway , back to the thread and the debate .

    yes pimp , plenty of counter attacks have been successful because of surprise but more counter attacks that had been poorly planned or executed without proper manpower or resources have failed . many more . and all i suggested was that the counters not be an automatic win .

    lower level players who don't want to lose to higher level players shouldn't attack them. then they wouldn't need counters in that situation .

    players around the same level who would need a counter to beat someone should maybe save some skill points to make adjustments so they can win or win with the counters .

    wouldn't this also force players to add defense and fix another problem people have complained about ? the guerilla players who hit you forever but can only be hit once or twice ?

    and back to you pimp , we all had to adjust as the game changed , stop crying foul , suck it up , act like an adult and go play farmville .
  17. VikingClan

    VikingClan New Member

    Thanks Larry for telling me
    i love this forum :):):)
  18. hi para nice fake account

    or is this gene or siamese or maybe even ottard possibly gavin

    its one of you though but i lean more toward it being para
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2011
  19. easy their jdg you sounding parinoid might want to take your meds lol:eek:
  20. oh it could even be you.i forgot bout you.sorry your not easy to remember.your just there sorry nothing memorable bout you

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