How are mateys, weapons and ships picked for battles against others!!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by The Black Pearl, Sep 23, 2010.

  1. The Black Pearl

    The Black Pearl New Member

    Can anyone tell me how mateys, weapons and ships are picked for battles cause i just dont get it!!

    Some one on a lower lvl by a considerable margin keeps beating me and it says im weaker!!


    7,360 Mateys
    • 2 Privateers
    • 48 Eel Guardians
    • 12 Cursed Buccaneers
    • 3,850 Sea-Dog Cabin Boys
    • 3,448 Mermaids Weaker


    9,230 Mateys
    • 1 Eel Guardian
    • 140 Sea-Dog Powder Monkeys
    • 9,089 Mermans

    However I have a Mateys count of 90,822 with
    3,850 sea dog cabin boys
    4,770 sea dog powder monkys
    29,600 Mermans
    5,700 Mermaids

    and so on and so on

    Also i have a lot more weapons and ships and i am weaker in some attacks but not all as them.....can someone explain please, cause like i said i dont get it!!:confused:
  2. 10 mateys 10 weapons 1 ship per 1 captain.

    from looks of things you have 736 useable captains.

    the maximum of ANY item with upkeep you should EVER have to have is 20,000.
  3. The Black Pearl

    The Black Pearl New Member

    So what your saying is i have bought to many items for my 736 capatains? and he has more captains than i do, so more items are used?

    But what i want to know is how are they picked for each fight as i have items with higher attck and defence then the ones used in the battle which i posted, so why are they not picking for the battle instead.

    Do i need to get rid of the lower attack and defence items so the higher ones can be used?

    Or am i way off the mark, if so can you please tell me how to recify this ??

  4. "7,360 Mateys
    • 2 Privateers
    • 48 Eel Guardians
    • 12 Cursed Buccaneers
    • 3,850 Sea-Dog Cabin Boys
    • 3,448 Mermaids"

    these actually are your best attack items and are used when attacking.sea monkeys are 12 attack and 14 def and will be used when your attacked.

    the game auto picks the best attacking items when attacking and best defending items when attacked.if you think theres still a error in whats being picked for you you can contact support and get it looked into.
  5. The Black Pearl

    The Black Pearl New Member

    Thanx for you help!! i think i have realised that my attackers regardless of their level beat me cause of the amount of captains they have in their crew...which means i will never beat them unless my total items taken into each battle by my 736 captain exceeds theres 1056 captains...regardless of how many items i buy

    so the answer is i need more captains to join my crew!!

  6. more crew and/or extremely better items and a much higher base attack/defense.

    but of course better to get more capts.
  7. The_Jay

    The_Jay Member

    ok, going off what's just been said.... here's a dumb question. It's toally up to opinion, but...
    is it better to have a crew/weapons/ships attack oriented, defense oriented or a combination of the two? I'm mainly asking the higher level people here... 1000+ levels maybe?
  8. have equal amount of both attack and defense items for max strength.

    example if your attacking with lets say 18,000 mermaids,then to be safe you should have 18,000 merman as well.

    thats just an example depending on what level your at and if you can afford the sea dog items then by all means,equal amounts of both best attacking and defending items.

    if you want to know what your defending with just have a friend temporarily declan you and hit you to see your items and let em tell you.if your defending with lets say 16,876 of merman and you actually have 18,000,then sell off those extras as theyre only costing you $$ per hr.
  9. seems like there should be a way to see what your defending with, without having to have some one de clan you to check...any chance this could be looked at?
  10. i was wondering the exact same thing
  11. I have everything typed into a spreadsheet so I can organize my clan by attack or defense and I know exactly what I need to have the strongest attack or defense based on my current income available.

    LeE OTM
  12. davidswubc

    davidswubc New Member

    Yes, by all means we need to know what items are being used in our Attack and defense and which items are rendered useless!
  13. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Go to your inventory tab. Mouse over the "Buy/Sell" buttons. It will tell you if that item is used (and how many) for attack and the same for defense.
  14. the new beta inventory page will actually show you if you mouse over the items.
  15. what the........ awwww you beat me to this one :mad::D
  16. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    :D By almost an hour and a half. That is MUCH longer than YOUR lead, dude. :cool:

    I shall treasure my victory, Cap'n.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2011

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