if someone keeps attacking you constantly and keeps on winning against you,is that considered harassment if the one getting pounded wants you to stop?if the one getting pounded goes to their armada leader to ask someone to back off them,then the one getting pounded turns around and bounties the one that was pounding them,is it harassment if the stronger player and others decide to teach the idiotic weakling a lesson? NAME REMOVED and some censoring done. lol well no sh**he kept attacking me or what should i do next time? stand here and do nothing i dont think so ask my armada leader to expell those two idiots and next time your officer attacks me i'll report him to hi5 for arrasing me for no good reason FYI i never attacked this weakling after their armada leader wanted me to back off.unless someone hacked me but it dont look like it. sorry idiot but last i checked this is a fighting game.expect to get attacked.go play a non fighting game if you cant take it wuss.im only like 4 or so levels higher than you.you got all the same items available to you as i got.pathetic idiot.grow a pair and stop being a wuss.
Wow, a typical candidate for "The game is only fair when I'm winning!" whining. Damn whiners. Did they expect to never be attacked and maybe chained into the ground? I wouldn't call that harrassing, rather stupidity. Keep crushing him. It's what I would do.
took a guess on the poll, looks like you set the answers to your title, as opposed to the polling question. Yes People whining about being attacked should automatically be told Tough Cookies, in far less civil terms.
I said "NO" because I don't think it should be automatic. And there are the rare times when it IS harassment. But what irritates me is when some player asks their clan to whip/slap/punch me. Okay, no problem. I do that, too, sometimes. But I'm level ~1500 and a bunch of REALLY WEAK players start whipping me. Then they go cry to their clan/Guild/Armada that I'm picking on them (like I'm going to ignore an easy kill stat...they asked for it!). If they AND the player who started the slap-fest are in the same Guild/Armada, then my leader gets some nasty message about me picking on the entire Guild/Armada. So leader checks the levels of the whiners. One or two players are 1400-1600 (the one who asked for help) and the rest aren't even level 600. Leader asks what I'm doing to them. "He/She's attacking me and won't stop!" >.< Idiots. I'm getting REALLY tired of having to explain the level range. I got accused in PC of trying to sabotage an Armada's good name. What started this, you may ask? I had a truce with a trio of players (a "family" they called themselves). One was below my range, one was above, and one had been a bitter rival before the truce. Weakest player whips me. I attack since she broke the truce first and she gives me good XP. Other two IMMEDIATELY cry "Foul!" and attack and bounty and get all THEIR clan to attack me. Lesson I learned - canned messages really can't do much in the way of "Your clan member is an idiot and a whiner." And how many attacks in an hour constitutes "harassment" anyways? I see people complaining bitterly about 30 attacking in an hour or two (level 1000 in VC).
personally, i would consider 100-200 attacks harassment. i've got one guy on pirate clan (facebook) that does that to me whenever i'm out of the hospital. strange thing is that i never attacked him in the beginning. thought it was just friendly back and forth; then he started up with 100+ a day. extremely frustrating and disruptive when you are trying to get a boss fight done.
Oh, yeah. And then you can't even do ANYTHING except heal! Sheesh. Around what level are you? I'm about 1500 as I said. I get nervous when I see someone mention stuff like that. I've attacked allied Armadas before, because I just wasn't paying attention.
there is no such thing as overattacking sorry to say.for 3 of the 4 apps the attack limit in 24hrs is 5000(though there really should be no attack limit after all its a fighting game) zs its 20 i think before exp cuts off and then 40 i think before you cant attack anymore. 100 attacks is nothing sorry to say.
Let the whiners do their job. I'm lacking mob an all apps (except ZS which a large squad is not required) so all I do is a strong-arm recruitment sometimes. Many of the people I "stalk" (they're on my fightlist and I pound til they drop to the hospital and ignore after that UNLESS they reappear on my fightlist!) bounty me, a few others ask for squadding, and it's all cool. Thing is, some people send those "Why are you picking on me?" messages, or even worse, they have a cousin who's a friend of an officer of the third faction of a family, and so I start to get chain-listed by entire factions just for killing one noob who died for being weak. What do I do? Just heal and keep pounding the newbie, and of course listing back those "all-mighty" people who's level is more than 3 times higher than mine. And I wouldn't consider it harassment, it's a fighting game. If they're pounding you so badly, ambushing your attacker should barely cost you a million.
I think starting posts that are hard to understand because they are 1 big run-on sentence should be deleted automatically.