In-Game Message Ideas

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by daz, Mar 11, 2010.

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  1. Red

    Red Member


    I think we should be able to say all that we want.
  2. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Won't happen. Ever. Period.

    This system would be abused within seconds. Therefore, don't get any hopes.
  3. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    EXCELLENT idea! :D
    It is so hard to deal with the boss battle problem if you've declanned them. :rolleyes:
    The Gamer Points and the Boss Unlocks messages are probably the MOST urgent to be added.
    Nicely phrased, too. :cool:
  4. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    If they are in my clan and disrespect Unlocks, they get the following message. "Unlocks were asked for. You got greedy. Die." Afterwards I kick and list them.
  5. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Some of those players declan me first and set traps before I can list them. So I list and THEN explain why.
  6. Red

    Red Member


    We should be able to say what we want, if someone abuses *block* simple
  7. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    At least on myspace there are hundreds, if not thousands of alt accounts. So there would always be abusive messages. So, there will be no free messages to non-clan players. Ever!
  8. exactly.i got no idea bout hi5 but facebook your only allowed 1 facebook account and if caught both or all alt facebooks accounts get deleted.

    myspace you can have as many myspace accounts as you want.only allowed 1 game account but alt myspace accounts will not be deleted just because someone owns more than 1 as its not against myspaces TOU.

    so if someone decides to break kanos TOU and make trillions of alt account you would be blocking forever.dont even think bout saying well ban the IP.not gonna work my friend.i could send you something via my main account,you block,i make a new one and message you with it.block and report that im using a accounts possibly get frozen. i make yet another account and this time via a public cant stop someone simply by blocking them.

    and far as the facebook issue with only allowed 1 account,whats to stop from making tons of those under a phony name?how are you really gonna know?seriously?

    so no lets not allow free messaging for those not in clan/squad/mob.the current system works perfectly granted a few new messages are needed.
  9. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    You summed it up perfectly. Free messages will be abused. And blocking everything will take so much time and effort that the complaints to Kano won't stop.

    Therefore the point stands and will not be changed. Free Messages to Non-Clan Players will never happen!

    And you're right, we could need some new messages. There are good suggestions in this thread.
  10. SS Paint Sniffer

    SS Paint Sniffer New Member

    I'd like some sort of message for the Armada folks...(I'm not in one)

    get poked by these hit and hiders...Then when I get my hands on them for some payback, they run back and cry to their Armada how I'm picking on them.

    went back and forth with someone 1000 lvs higher than me the other day...After one bounty by them (then me) they hammered me with 90 attacks...Then I get a message "you attacked one of my Armada, revenge be sweet" All I can reply is "No, ye attacked me" (closest I thing I could say as to why I attacked the scallywag.)

    Would really like to say, "the little snitch had it coming and is probably lying his arse off to ya" lol

    "they asked for it"
    "they started it"
    "let them fight their own battles"

    something along those lines.

    messages are just so vague with what's really going on
  11. perfect suggestions.they all belong in ingame messages
  12. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    I had that situation earlier. Two players that I had been leveling off of (they got some decent XP, too) suddenly decided to set bounty traps and place as many bounties as possible. I was TRYING to tell them something along the lines of "I am returning each bounty in kind" and that they attacked me first. So the one player didn't respond and the other just spammed "Ye attacked me" over and over.
  13. September19

    September19 New Member

    How about:

    "You're not worth the bounty."
    "My 99 year old grandmother hits harder than you!"
    "Going for the gamer points. What's your excuse?"
  14. Red

    Red Member


    I prefer :

    "ImĀ“gonna make your life a hell "
    "Are you dumb ?"
    " That was a bad move sonny "
    " the peace offer is off , prepare for battle "
  15. Apekiller

    Apekiller Member

    "HA! You can't really kill me!"

    "Your bullying days are over."
  16. NikkixNympalette

    NikkixNympalette New Member

    'Backoff already'
    'I will be back'
    'You're not worth my time'
    'HL me, & you're dead'
  17. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member


    I would like to see something about bounties in retaliation.
    I attack some player a few times and they place a bounty. I heal and place a bounty in reply (and a trap, just in case). Then I send the message "Revenge be sweet" and maybe tack on "Nothing personal, just business" and/or "I didn't mean to make you angry".
    That player then whines to their ENTIRE clan as well as their Guild/Armada that I am bullying them and placing strings of bounties and being a big meanie!
    I only bounty in extreme cases, so it bugs me that my targets (or "victims", muwahahaha) run and hide behind players that are 4x my level, who bounty and whip/slap me to death.

    So I want to see something like:
    I'm returning your bounty, now we're even
    You bounty me, I bounty you
    You bountied me! (this is like the "You attacked/punched me!" one already in existence)
    Coward, stop hitlisting me!
  18. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    I saw those and remembered the "Thanks." "Nice battle." and "Out of Stamina. Resume fight later" (I know those aren't exact). I really like that set. I randomly met a good leveling partner in VC and we swapped hits. There weren't as many message options as I would have liked, but we were able to communicate when we were out of stamina and then again when we recharged. :cool:

    :D So this is more of a "Thanks, Kano. Good work!" post than a "suggestion" one. :D
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2011
  19. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    "Back off!"
    "Give me some room to breathe!"
    "Ye beatdown has earned ye counters."
  20. love this one
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