Boss help

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by Just Dreym, Mar 25, 2011.

  1. Just Dreym

    Just Dreym Member

    Normally I get 420 exp each time I help a squad mate with a new boss. However for the last several hours I have been getting +1 exp.

    The exp loss is HUGE, as I am now out almost 20k exp. I tried logging out of myspace and back into myspace and even that doesn't work. I asked other squad mates and nobody else seems to be having that issue today except me. I've had this bug before, but not on every single boss help that I hit. I tried directly emailing kano but no response as of yet.

    Any suggestions? At my level I depend on boss helps to get through my levels, as otherwise it takes too long.
  2. NikkixNympalette

    NikkixNympalette New Member

    It's because you've entered too many. :p I learned the hard way as well. I was entering EVERY coop for the exp, but after like 50+ it went to 1 exp.
  3. yep after a certain amount in 24hrs it drops down to 1
  4. Just Dreym

    Just Dreym Member

    What "certain" amount would that be? And if that is true then shouldn't that "certain" amount be posted in the game faqs? I've had this same bug happen to me with helping only 5 open bosses, so I don't buy it. I have been playing this game for over a year, and am one of the higher levels in the game. I don't concider myself to be an expert, but it's obious to me that there is a glitch in your game mechanics and that it is something to concider fixing. If it is a glich in the game mechanics, then shouldn't kano offer reimburse players for their exp loss? Thanks for your time.
  5. Ace

    Ace Member

    Try Shooters/Death Deal helps too, they'll give you 840 XP each, the boss joining's good but still, shooters are better :D
  6. not 840 for everyone

    higher your level=higher exp from those
  7. Ace

    Ace Member

    I meant for him, joining a boss gives half the exp a shooter does, so if he gets 420 from a boss, he'll get 840 (or 841) off a shooter :p
  8. Just Dreym

    Just Dreym Member

    I already do that...I do all of the above to level. Isn't that the point of this forem, to discuss and fix bugs? If it is not a bug then please show me how it is not. Thank you :)
  9. NikkixNympalette

    NikkixNympalette New Member

    I'm pretty sure it's a new feature. They can't let you keep leveling off FREE exp from coop boss's. They have to draw the line somewhere.
  10. Just Dreym

    Just Dreym Member

    No it is not a new feature, it has been going off and on for me sense julyish of last year. More recently it is becoming more and more of an issue. Perhaps due to the population?
  11. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    It was implemented to stop leveling with simply joining bosses.

    Calculating example:
    You have 500 Stam
    You get 420 xp for every boss you join
    You have added tons of Zombie slayers and they send out tons of Boss Helps
    500 Boss Helps x 420 xp = 210.000 xp. Which should be 2 - 3 Level ups for you. Every time with refills to join even more bosses and keep this going. Note that you might need to join only 250 bosses to level.

    See where I'm getting at? People who add everyone without caring *cough*me*cough* would have an unfair advantage. You can level off shooter helps alone, I tried it once and I got a whole level done with Shooter helps alone. It's hard as hell but possible.

    Therefore the xp for helping with bosses was capped. Doing the same with shooters would have caused a real ruckus.
  12. Just Dreym

    Just Dreym Member

    I appriciate you guys trying to make logical sense out of it, but the fact of the matter is, that this happens inconsistantly, and therefore it is a bug. It takes me 84,000 exp to level and I don't have anywhere near 500 squad members, and even less people that actually play daily. They already reduced outbreak help to 10 a day. And if they added a daily cap then they need to state what that cap is so that we are all aware of it. The reason I am sure it is a bug, is because it happens inconsitantly. I might only have 4 or 5 bosses open (including world boss help), and I may have only helped a total of 15 people in that 24 hour period. So either way, it is a bug that needs to be looked into.
  13. outbreak help for zs im 99% sure was always 10.

    for the other apps it was 6 and increased to 10.
  14. Just Dreym

    Just Dreym Member

    Ive seen people level off of having their defense so high that everything that hits it gives it exp. Is that unfair to other players as well?

    No, not really. It's consistant game mechanics. The +1 exp for boss help is not consistant game mechanics and therefore it is a bug.
  15. Just Dreym

    Just Dreym Member

    Nope it used to be unlimited. Just like it used to be you could hit people an unlimited number of times, instead of 40 times in a 24 hour period like it is now.

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