Can't gift...

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by Kshoe, Mar 18, 2011.

  1. Kshoe

    Kshoe Member

    Unable to Gift or do mob invites today!!!!:(:(:(:(
  2. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    I have posted a bug on MySpaces developer forum just incase they were unaware of it. Looks like something happened that has killed invites/gifts on all canvas apps.

    WHELER Banned


    been that way since last night...
  4. its even affecting the asking for help for the challenges(unless thats a separate issue)
  5. Kshoe

    Kshoe Member

    Thanks hun!! Hope they fix soon

    WHELER Banned


    as well as the add a person function... its myspaces fault,lol
  7. Kshoe

    Kshoe Member


    I cannot send gifts or friend requests in Myspace
    Myspace has recently undergone some major changes and updates. They are still working out some problems and will hopefully have them fixed soon. As for sent gifts, they do get sent out, and your friends can accept them in game, it's just that they won't see the gift message in their Myspace inbox........

    So i just saw this on the FAQ page! Soooo I am guessing this is a Myspace problem and not a KANO issue even though its happening on the other KANO apps?? Can't wait to hear from support on this one.:eek:
  8. Kshoe

    Kshoe Member

    Can't gift again today 3/23...and my challenge help request wont go out....RAWR!!!
  9. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    This was a MySpace issue earlier today that appears to have been taken care of. I have just tested sending a gift and it works just fine. Please try sending your gifts again.
  10. Kshoe

    Kshoe Member

    THANK YOU!!!!! However i went back and tried to send gifts and challenge request on google chrome...wont work!! Then I switched to FireFox and it WORKED!!! Now i did that earlier and failed on all 3 browsers...sooooo....MySpace problem, yes I agree, but, now possible Google Chrome incapatability issue...thats a will just stay with FF...Thanks again rock!!
  11. Mr Killer Man

    Mr Killer Man Active Member

    When I use IE I can't send gifts, but IE is fast when I just wanna check challenge mission or send back gifts and move on. I can wait til FF loads and send gifts from it fine but it's slow and GC is fast loading but slow sending gifts. IE used to be fast at sending gifts but now I can't send any more. Myspace keeps changing the design as well. They getting on my nerves! Ok I'm done ranting. lol Check out that IE problem for me please.

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