Buying skill points

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by gods people, Mar 21, 2011.



  1. YES

  2. NO

  3. MAYBE

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  1. gods people

    gods people Active Member

  2. it wont happen.kano has already mentioned they will NOT EVER allow skill points to be bought
  3. A definite NO on this one. Too much potential for abuse. With buying refills at least you have to log in the time and effort building your character in the game (think of it like plunking coins into an arcade machine to extend your gaming time) If a player could sign up and then just go and spend a few grand to get unmatched attack/defense it would drive all the players who weren't insane in their spending habits and/or John Kerry grade rich away from the game. Also from Kano's perspective what would yield more revenue? A small to medium amount of cash flow from a large number of players PLUS increased advertising revenue based on per click stats, page views, number of players logged on etc....or a few large payments from some top hat wearing fat Cats? Typically the large payments are not going to be anywhere near the amount of revenue that would be lost by a mass exodus of players disillusioned with the game.
  4. Red

    Red Member


    No to the poll, spam for you always talking in caps ,and ,1 star in your thread rate.
  5. Level 500 buy a game and beat everyone on leaderboard so lots players just quit lol
    must be fun for 1% of players who have money .. what about 99% players who play normal game..?

    also that will be way to easy get leveling done and get lots adventure drops .. so no more brain storm .. buy skill points sound boring :D
  6. why level 500?

    if purchasing skill points were option then a level 2 could become untouchable
  7. still you need unlock friend chieftains max 1000 friends to add your hired ones so have total of 2000 so have full force ..just thinking that way
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2011
  8. no need for chieftains if you have 2 trillion in atk/def
  9. hehe well yes that will be Superman Vs all Vikings :D
  10. would need the ben credit card for that though.then again i think he could afford that
  11. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Bad suggestion. I think it was Zynga who allowed this and many players leave their games. Okay, Zynga games suck otherwise, too.

    Your constant all Caps writing is annoying, too.

    I am really glad that Kano doesn't allow this and has no plans to allow it.

    And Atheistic, Ben would then not only be the #1 Pirate, he would buy his way to the top in Viking Clan, too. And the only chance to stop him would be if someone else spent even more to keep him stumped.

    Even though the idea of having enough money to buy enough Skill Points to beat Mike Ketil around sounds appealing. But I will do it the old-fashioned way. Leveling, increasing attack and clan and when the time is ripe, I will crush him. lol
  12. good luck getting up to Mike lol.
  13. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    12k attack should do the trick. Or 15. Or 20. I'm patient.
  14. while im against purchasing skill points i still dont see anything wrong with using favor points to rearrange your skill points
  15. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    There remains the question of the price for doing so. Rearranging 100 SP for 10 FP? Or maybe 200 SP for 10 FP?

    With enough FP's you can then build your whole character anew. Getting more Energy/Stam/Att/Def/Health. While this could be interesting, I doubt that this will be implemented.

    Because, if you, for example, have the 20k health achievement and get tired of chainers and reset your health to 100 while upping att/def through the roof. Suddenly you can chain everyone and anyone else is left to bear it. There would be a flood of complaints, I guess.
  16. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    There had been some talk of this a few weeks ago on the Facebook forum. How do the rest of you feel about the possibility of re-allocation skill points for a cost?
  17. Eric Maximus

    Eric Maximus Member

    Definitely.. NO on buying skill points.

    Re: Buying favor points.
    In almost every MMROPG game, you'll have those that spend more $$$ than others. I've seen it in Warcraft and of course, on Kano apps. Look at Yoville & Farmville too, lol. You can't stop it. Just adapt and beat them in other ways.
    Is buying favor points and/or account sharing or having alt accounts... cheating?
    People do it and just won't openly admit to it.
  18. Eric Maximus

    Eric Maximus Member

    I think it's fair, but the question is at what cost. I feel it has to be so many skill points for so many favor points.

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