why not keep healing? Eventually you cost too much for for somebody to bother, and their bank account is wiped out from hitlisting so often.
And eventually, you'll get to -500000 exp if he's really 600 levels below the lister. Trust me, I earn quite a pack of cash daily, and I'm more than sure there are people who earn a lot more than I do, and listing a level 300 over 10 times most of times costs me less than listing one of my rivals just once.
Nope, you´re still free to be hitlisted by any slayer (unless you´re a low level). What´s being discussed here is the fact that regular kills (by attacking and killing, or dealing a punch kill) should stop you from attacking a slayer who is out of your fight range once you killed them, but they´re not.
as far back as i can remember punch kills never have stopped you from attacking again if the player is to low a level normally. if its suppose to then this is a LONG time bug on all 4 apps
Punch kill is not the same as a battle kill so the punch kill will not close the retaliation window. Only a battle kill will close the window.
That´s good to know, maybe that´s what´s been happening lately too... I don´t get killed by nobody in regular fights, but I can die after a well placed attack plus a punch, so I was probably gonna complain if somebody kept attacking after a punch kill. Now I know I can still get kicked after that.