*Goes into Martial Arts Grandmaster Sage Mode* The true master doesn't need a weapon. He is a weapon himself. Only a lesser fighter will rely on a weapon as a crutch. The true master is beyond these needs. *shakes himself* What did just come over me. Must have watched too many Martial Arts Movies.
Personal LayOut Boss weapons Hi guys ive just tried to remove my Personal layout completely to make myself a little weaker but cant see how. Is it possible to do? if not anychance you can work your majoic to make it happen?
arm yourself with gift items and then remove them all from inventory youll be left with no loadout at one point removing armed weapons was a option for some reason though after a profile update that option was taken away i had posted a thread about it myself im going to merge our threads since we are saying the same thing.
I voted Yes. It sounds like a good idea for multiple reasons and I really dont see a negative side. I would also go as far as to add a preset feature. I have multiple combinations of limited items i like to use for different situations....it would be great to be able to go to my load out page and just click once to swap out for another preset group of items. Its been shown in this thread already that is already possible to eliminate ones load out....so why not just make it easier and give us more easily available options to boot. BIG TIME SAVER! I would also like to hear why this option was eliminated in the first place......was it because it made it easier to tailor ones account for leveling purposes? There is still many ways to do this and your never going to stop battle leveling ....so embrace it and make it more convenient
this was brought up in some thread recently about being able to save loadouts but wonder woman shut that down bc she said u can manually do it so there was no need for it which doesnt make sense to me in the context of the thread about being able to do a one click and change it instead of having to click 6 times and wait for loading
i like that idea a preset lay out maybes 3 sets so when you come under heavy attack you simply click your preset defense layout and beef up your def strength fast ... cool idea defo worth considering in my eyes
honestly this does not boost u up in any way...the real problem is not being able to disarm like u used to be able to do
Personal Loadout[Arming/Disarmaming] I think it would be nice to have two buttons here, one with reinforcing with the best weapons and disarmament. What do you think?..Waiting for some answers.See ya!
Yey,I'm glad that my ideea is turning into a real thing.)And also thanx SATANIST for the Poll , also 'cause you bring this problem into all the Forum members. PS:Hope to see soon this buttons available.