is this cheating?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by icedfate, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. icedfate

    icedfate Member

    I just recently saw 2 people on my hitlist. both of them were in the same faction and their names were very similar, (both named after characters in the same movie).

    they both hitlisted each other. but they weren't attacking each other....

    I think they intentionally put themselves on the hitlist so they could "ride" the hitlist to get more xp

    it appears as if they were buddies working as a team to help each other level up this cheating?
  2. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    No it's not cheating. Also most people who can heal on the hitlist, get very little xp back from the people that attack them. So their not going to level much from it, if at all.
  3. D E O X Y S

    D E O X Y S New Member

    well for starters you dont gain any exp from riding the hitlist, only wins/losses. if they are in the same faction or whatever then they are pretty dumb really - dying for the sake of it losing exp from the death when there is little to no reward for doing it.
  4. its called getting a rival list.there list is prolly small or empty so this way they get a fight list

    so no not cheating
  5. Gina

    Gina Member

    its hard for High levels to get people to attack them and 2Bil can tempt them in!!!! Said the spider to the fly
  6. icedfate

    icedfate Member

    ok, I always theorized that people like dilligaf and pog ma hoan reached their high levels by pumping defense and riding the hitlist.

    i can't figure out any other way someone reaches level 1500 in 200 days.......

    if this isnt the case then whats the secret?

    dill is level 1573 with 262 days in game thats an average of 6 levels a day, i'm 444 in 222 days which is 2 levels a day exactly how am I leveling so slow while others level so fast?

    I formed my theory because I see these people riding the hitlist alot so I assumed that was how they were doing it

    not implying dill or pog are cheating in this way..the 2 people I saw were a husband and wife couple.......
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2011
  7. WOW alot of posts gone.not surprising.

    well its not cheating as we established
  8. icedfate

    icedfate Member

    yeah I've figured out that we established its not cheating, I admit this thread got derailed into a discussion on fast leveling strategies...which i'd still like to discuss but I suppose we ought to start a new thread lol

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