Dumbest level up ever?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Jme, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. Jme

    Jme Member

    I'm sorry, I had to share this, it's just too funny. I was knocking people off of my battle list, like ya do, and I get attacked back by this idiot. They lose with every attack they hit me with, but keep going. So I start attacking them some more. And this person KEEPS ON ATTACKING! Despite the fact that they lose every time, and not trying to use a berserk boost, or extra stamina...OR QUIT IT, they just keep on going. So, after I level up TWICE from this, the moron puts a hit out on me, and messages me to prepare for war.

    Has anything like this ever happened to anyone else?
  2. yep sure has love it when this happens:D
  3. Apekiller

    Apekiller Member

    I've met someone who did that, I think he must have lost a few hundred attacks total. Kept doing it for about a week.

    So every now and then I slap him so he'll start again since he's not in range anymore. :p
  4. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Yep, I have some people like this, too. They attack me with up to 37% boost and still lose. One was seemingly trying to severely injure me, cause he kept attacking. Well, I sat on the heal button for a while. It sure was fun to get leveled.
  5. You were attacked by Gerald i r 7 killer with a Battle Boost of 32%.
    You won the Battle, gaining 500,000 coins.

    You were attacked by Gerald i r 7 killer with a Battle Boost of 32%.
    You won the Battle, gaining 500,000 coins.

    keep it coming.keep it coming
  6. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Hey, don't hog him for yourself, he shall level me for a while, too!
  7. sad thing is alot that hit me with 32% still give lousy exp
  8. You were attacked by Haroldson Bloody AXEMANN with a Battle Boost of 32%.
    You won the Battle, gaining 500,000 coins.

    You were attacked by Haroldson Bloody AXEMANN with a Battle Boost of 32%.
    You won the Battle, gaining 500,000 coins.

    You were attacked by Haroldson Bloody AXEMANN with a Battle Boost of 32%.
    You won the Battle, gaining 500,000 coins.

    You were attacked by Haroldson Bloody AXEMANN with a Battle Boost of 23%.
    You won the Battle, gaining 500,000 coins.

    You were attacked by Haroldson Bloody AXEMANN with a Battle Boost of 17%.
    You won the Battle, gaining 500,000 coins.

    keep it coming.dumbest level up ever might just happen yet again
  9. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    How do you search for players? I have never quite figured that one out...
  10. most that atk me are either at my lvl or in a rival guild.i let them find me
  11. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    So how'd that guy find you?
  12. icedfate

    icedfate Member

    so why does this work for leveling but riding the hitlist doesnt?
  13. because when riding the hitlist attackers give you 0 exp.when getting attacked in a regular battle you gain exp from that
  14. They are either robots or they are just fiending for those battle points, you still get GP on a loss. If you don't like the bot service you can ask Eddie to stop leveling you with his bot swarms, he usually is a reasonable guy about it.
  15. Jme

    Jme Member

    So, today he started again, so...4 lvls up now.

    Funny part is, I dont need to search this one out. After the first onslaught that he started, he sends me a message saying to prepare for war. So, I save it in my inbox, and once in a while, i open it and axe slap him to get him started, lol
  16. i get atatcked by Enemy Guilds an 20-30 attacks each time ..
    im sure they do it to collect they Game Points :D
  17. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    I'm sometimes a bit desperate for my GP, but I wouldn't do a suicide run and attack Parasurama.

    On the other hand, there are really people who are stupid enough to attack a bigger player when he slaps them. I have some people of this caliber in my rivals list. 1 slap and they begin to attack in a frenzy. And losing every battle with lousy xp payouts for me. And not the 34 battles needed for GP if you get them with losses. 60+ battles.

    Especially funny was a level 500+ guy with 200 chiefs. I wonder how often he died while attacking me.

    I always heal and wait to see when they are tired of losing in a row.
  18. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    When looking at my rivals list, I try to ignore the higher-ups slapping me. But I've been known to slap the little guys and just watch them attack.:cool:

    There's this player (TWO, actually) on PC about my level that lose about half the time. They blow though all my counters, never set counters of their own, and don't respond when I bounty them. It's pretty funny, actually. And then my Armada enjoys the bounty kills they get.:D

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