What's up with bounty traps??? The cost has increased massively, coin, energy and stamina. BS! I went to set a trap on someone who bounties me constantly, and the cost went from 6 bil to over 300 bil.AND now it takes 3 energy and 5 stamina. I'm sick of the changes the Devs keep making that completely change the game play, adding advantages to the higher players and taking away from lower levels and/or smaller clans. Wake up fellas, there are far more lower level players than higher level. You're going to run people away from the game with your sucking up to the high level players... Also... What's up with "stop cagematching and I'll stop bountying"? Again BS. My take on this is again that some upper-level players have been whining. They don't like the fact that even with a large clan, they can still get beat if they haven't built their loadout wisely. Anyone with 2000 clan can beat someone with less, clan vs clan, but one on one...bunch of crybabies.
Agreed. I generally don't bother with cagematches because I can get better XP with even my bosses. But stop upping the cost of bounty traps! Some player right at my level gets mad after 5 attacks from me (really, that is not a lot) and gets their highlevel friends to bounty me constantly (too high to attack me, but still able to Pistol Whip and Bounty). Not only does it take a crapload of gold, but a ridiculous amount of Stamina and Energy for me to block them!
its always costed 3 stamina and 5 energy for the longest time if not since the app started.and im not seeing any increase in trap cost........
When I first posted, I read it as "bounty" not "bounty trap" then I edited it to correct and didn't think about the change in meaning.
It has not "always costed" 3 & 5. And there has been an increase...I have seen the bounty trap cost go from 6,000,000,000 to 320,000,000,000. The trap is now as much, in some cases, as a bounty.
sorry michael but you are wrong.it has always costed 3 stamina and 5 energy to set a trap.ive been on this app most likely the first day it was released.and i still dont see the increases you saying.
I have not been on NEARLY that long, but bounty traps have always been 3s and 5e. Traps increase in cost depending on the number of traps you have set, player level, number of bounties, that kind of thing.
actually traps are usually always half the cost of base bounty regardless of the levels involved. i know sometimes if bountied consecutive times in 24hrs by the same player the trap discounts a little(at least it use to)
Regardless of the forumula responsible, generally the cost of the bounty (let's say first of the day on that player) increases with the level of the target. My hypothesis is that since a higher leveled player generally has had more bounties placed on them...
I've been here a long time as well, almost since the beginning. I am not mistaken , they have changed. Again, the cost of coin has gone up as well in the last couple of days. Just leave the damn game alone!
are you on myspace or facebook or hi5? if facebook or hi5 then maybe theres a glitch cause on myspace its the exact same as i remember it.and on myspace i did join the first day it came.only older than mine spare for minutes or hours is the kano account itself.
then maybe is a glitch on the facebook version with the increase coin cost.but the energy and stamina for as far as im aware for 553 days was always a cost for the trap
I've been here 545 days, so not much less than you. I have watched the devs change this game over and over, changing the gameplay, and catering to higher level players. When they have done something that is beneficial to lower level/smaller clan players, such as cagematches, they turn around and change something else, such as damage and/or costs that take that benefit away, allowing, once again, the upper level players to dominate the game. I'm waiting for the day they remove the protection from attack from higher levels feature, I'm sure it's coming...
I'm using Facebook. This is in regards to Pirate Clan? I can't comment too much on the gold cost, but it has always used 3 Energy and 5 Stamina. I going to hazard a guess here and suggest that if the cost of a bounty trap is half the cost of the bounty, then that means someone's been doing a bunch of bounties recently.
You would know more than I. In that case, maybe the cost of bounties increasing is because the players you attack have increasing base bounties? Are you using the same player for your cost information?
I find it hard to believe that someone in the 1700 level range could have a base bounty cost in the trillions (or damn close to that). I am seeing trap costs up to 630,000,000,000.(that means, according to what you are saying, their base bounty would be 1,260,000,000,000) And traps haven't ALWAYS cost 3 and 5. I have placed them with the cost being 2 and 1 or 3 and 2 etc...With just the coin cost going so high now, the lower level players can't afford them, and now have no defense against the 2000+ level "bullies" that like to use the PW and bounty against players they can't otherwise attack because of the xp range limits.
Well, then, why place a trap? They can bounty and whip you all they wish, but until you retaliate, you will not show up on their rivals list. If you place a bounty trap and it is triggered, you appear on their rivals list and they can actually attack you.