Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Tony Cecil, Feb 22, 2020.

  1. Tony Cecil

    Tony Cecil Active Member

    It's now been 1 full year since we here at Zombie Slayer were graced with Houston our latest location. Since this I do believe Vikings has received either 2 or 3 new locations. Pirates has got India & Shipbreaker's Bay. I don't pay attention to LCN but I'm sure they've got at least 2 as well. Can you please tell me and the rest of us loyal ZS players when we can expect a new location? I mean I've heard nothing from KANO of even one in the works. And for the love of Peter can we please have 2 bosses? The Houston boss (singular) you gave us was a single boss with 5, 10 and 15 skills payouts for the 3 achievements. If you're going to give us only 1 boss please give us at least 6 achievements. And decent achievements. But I mean first thing's first: When can we even expect a new location? We play just as hard as these other games and deserve new stuff like them as well. Please let us know what is going on.
  2. Tony Cecil

    Tony Cecil Active Member

    SO I guess the tons of others & I waiting on this new location get no answer or update? I posted this 5 days go. All you have to say is, "We're working on it." Maybe give us some sort of teaser. I think it was about 6 months ago I asked this same question and got no response from any admin. I get it. You guys/women are busy. It just seems Zombies is the low game on the totem pole. Please give us some information SOON!
  3. Survival Streak 0

    Survival Streak 0 Active Member

    They're probably too busy working on a Kingdom of Thrones sequel :D
    Tony Cecil likes this.
  4. Tony Cecil

    Tony Cecil Active Member

    Kingdom of Thrones II: The Return of Mediocrity
  5. Tony Cecil

    Tony Cecil Active Member

    So Pirates gets yet another location while Zombies is stuck with the same one for OVER A YEAR NOW? Why can't you all just admit it and tell us that zombies is your lowest priority. WE NEED NEW SHIT TO DO. And yet no admin responding with any kind of info still. You wonder why people talk about quitting zombies? because we have nothing new to do in the way of a NEW LOCATION. FFS
  6. Survival Streak 0

    Survival Streak 0 Active Member

    They're really to busy slowly destroying the original games with stupid "updates" that pander to the recent influx of players from Mob Wars. That game closed down and they're trying to copy it? Also they're working two new top secret games... maybe spreading themselves a little to thin?
    Tony Cecil likes this.
  7. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    honestly what is the difference it is just clicking lol do you actually look at it ?? a new location comes people barrel thru it in a matter of days and it is over lol, sorry but I just find it amusing, when people get all bent over the location thing, I see people in games who complain, and this is not directed at any personally, (or anyone I personally know), who keep asking for locations they are no where even near lol , just an observation of mine.
  8. Survival Streak 0

    Survival Streak 0 Active Member

    Each new location is an extra 150 skill points available from outbreaks and bosses + new boss drops for the n00bs
    Tony Cecil likes this.
  9. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    oooohhhhhhh lol yeah that makes me angry and complain , for sure ( said in my most sarcastic voice ever) well off to work
    Steven Jordan likes this.
  10. Tony Cecil

    Tony Cecil Active Member

    The difference is some players are higher levels than they are in other games. For instance: In pirates I'm only in Madagascar. So I have the location and 3 new ones to conquer. Vikings, which I don't play too much I'm only in Hel's Rising...So heaps of things to do there. In Zombies I've (along with a LOT of other people) conquered the highest location they have a year ago and counting. And like SS0 mentioned above it's more skills. Not to mention a new boss, New challenge, new achievements. Just something new. I mean I'm not bent out of shape about it or anything. My last most was immediately after finding out we got skipped again. So yeah I was a bit irritated. You're right we are just pointing & clicking but I do like to have new stuff at which to point & click from time to time. And I like new goals. That's just me and only me though. (said in my 2nd most sarcastic voice ever)
    Kirsten likes this.
  11. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I know I am just busting your chops :p

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