Death Deals....The Numbers

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by SteveW, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. SteveW

    SteveW Member

    Still really not a fan of the Death Deals, they are boring, more repetitive than any other part of the game and there are just so many of them. So, to cheer all you death deal fans up, here a look at the death deal in numbers:

    The Indian death deal top achievement requires you to complete is 20 times.
    Each of the Indian death deals require that you win 91 (yes it's not a typo) hands!
    Assuming a 50% success rate that means to complete the deal once requires approximately 182 chips. Considering you get a chip every 30 minutes that's a lot of chips.

    To complete all the Indian achievements means doing this 20 times over and over and over and over and over and.....well, you get the picture, even if Kano doesn't ;) :p

    So, there you have it, the 3 Indian death deal achievements will only require a combined 3640 chips, accrued over a period of 109,200 minutes excluding breaks. Assuming you play 24 hours a day 7 days a week it should only take you 10.83 weeks to knock them on head :rolleyes:

    Assuming of course you have already completed the similarly ridiculous death deals for China, Russia, France, England & Spain. You have done them haven't you? :(
  2. kimmerz

    kimmerz Member

    Ughhh... I've completed Russia and am working on India. I knew I had to go back to China but until you just mentioned it I didn't realize I had to deal with Spain France and England too. Tell me the requirement for the lower ones doesn't involve 91 hands!
  3. Hated

    Hated Member

    death deal is such a mess. if you go out for a fue hours or let your tokens build up while you sleep for that tiny bit too long its a 3 day waist.

    death deal shoudl be a 24 hour thing in EVERY case, just make it harder and harder to win, eg each round no matter what county you can get 48 + squad chips (normaly 60 in totle)
    well why dont you just incress the amount of % of winners needed to pass?

    i would start playing the deathdeal ones again. there was never a goal in playing them as they are to time consuming, and when you hit the point of fail you still have to wait possible days for it to end and to restart.

    RjBESTNUB Member

    Death dealss

    I use to try and win those death deals but they become too time consuming and the only way to win is by doing pretty much all 1,s and a few 2,s.

    i stopped that cause the xp amounts dont really help that much. I just do 4,s and i usually get 8 chips/24 chips right and get 650 xp each at china.

    I think their should be a little more updates to the Death Deals and mabye a little more time soo we dont have to freak out if we miss a day even if i dont miss many days but it would suck to try for 2 days miss a day then cant win.
  5. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    Thanks for the feedback, Death Deals are still a fairly new feature and we've done alot of work reviewing the usage and stats. Based on the stats and feedback we have adjusted the numbers for a better gameplay experience. We'll be posting these new changes today.
  6. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    The Death Deals have just been updated. Instead of repeating myself please look at this link for a list of what has changed.
    Death Deal Changes

    As always your feedback is greatly appreciated.
  7. Red

    Red Member


    40 hands is way better thx kano !
  8. Boo_Bear

    Boo_Bear New Member

    the thing that i dont like about death deal is the odds. i can guarantee that 80 percent of the time, the cards are higher. ill get a queen, click lower and a king pops up. ill get a jack and click lower and then the ace comes out. statistically speaking its way off. i love the game, and im not tearing it down. i only mean that kano should take a look at that.
  9. SteveW

    SteveW Member

    Thanks for the changes Kano, I would have done it slightly differently but the mods that have been made will certainly reduce the tediousness of the game and make it more bearable to bother with getting the achievements.
  10. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    You've reduced the amount or cards needed to finish a death deal, but doubled the amount of time it takes to get a card. Hows that better?

    RjBESTNUB Member


    It is better cause it take longer fo chips soinstead of a 12 hour full i takes 24 hour and if it takes u lets say 13 or 14 hours to get back online ur chips will still go up instead of stoppng at 12 hours and then losing a chip or 2 u would of had plus less clicks soo less time stressing tryin to get this done soo fast.
    love the change! thx kano
  12. Kamandi2

    Kamandi2 New Member

    I like the changes, but losing is even more painful now since there is only one chip per hour.

    The changes have improved it. The only change I think still needs to be made is the credit for a tie. I tie just means extra clicks. If a tie would still advance the progress by 1, it would make it less painful.

    Win - Advance Progress by 1, get XP, get cash, get items.
    Lose - Get nothing, lose a chip

    Tie - Should be - Advance Progress by 1, get nothing, lose nothing.
  13. I still have issues with the Death Deal. Let's be honest, the carnival/rocket shooters aren't exactly excitign either. But the difference is the reliability. If I shoot a zombie, it's shot and I can move on. There is always progress.

    Not so with the death deal. I just lost to a king by drawing an ace and lost to a five by drawing a three. That would have been two more hours in which I'd have to wait to finish the Death Deal, but I had a surplus of chips. It's irritating when the deal defies the odds, which happens far more often then it should. I despise the Death Deal and would be much happier if Kano scrapped the randomness by replacing all of them with a rocket shooter.

    RjBESTNUB Member


    i agee with u because atleast we dont have to wait and win and get 3 UN whn in shooters u have chanc to get 5% 5 UN at anytime. The should switch them for rocket launchers or a different name for a new launcher for more xp a higher places just like death deal. Why have Death Deals when half of zombie slayer players dislike them?
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2011
  15. icedfate

    icedfate Member

    the thing is ...the way the numbers were adjusted doesn't change it one bit.

    you halved the amount of wins we need but doubled the amount of time it takes to get a chip and halved the amount of chips we can accumulate at one time.

    so the death deals still take exactly the same amount of time as they did before but now we have less chips overall to bet with ..I used to like when I had only a few wins left I'd start betting 2 and 4 chips to get better rewards, now I can't do this.
  16. icedfate

    icedfate Member

    um your chips DO stop at 12

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