[VC] my vc page is loading all crazy

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by Clifzag, Oct 18, 2019.

  1. Clifzag

    Clifzag Member

    for a few days some parts havent been loading like html parts now today i try to log on and like my profile pic is at the bottom left everything is just all at the margins i never seen this before

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  2. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    What platform are you playing on? That looks like the CSS is not loading properly but there are no issues on our end as for as I can tell. I would try a different browser and/or delete your cache. Something isn't loading properly.
  3. Clifzag

    Clifzag Member

    ok its working now idk what was wrong i asked a friend they said there's was fine
  4. Clifzag

    Clifzag Member

    ok i was mistaken it isnt working all the way and goes back to that not at all thing for hours ... and when it works lots of images including profile layout images and things like that dont load up it shoes like a broken thumb image and text. i am using a new browser called Brave and i tried adjusting the shield settings and that didnt work and i deleted cache that didnt work and i logged on google chrome that didnt work ...
  5. Clifzag

    Clifzag Member

    i tried chrome and i use brave usually and its back to totally not loading right.... i have some picks of examples when its working mostly too i've cleared browser cache and removed the app and reinstalled it. I play from fb.

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  6. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    You might wanna clear your gmails lol, but in all seriousness, did you just clean browser not entire PC? I'd suggest using CCleaner, it's free and works great quickly in 1 click, just google it for the free version.
  7. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Can you open the game in an Incognito browser and see if you're still getting the same issue?
  8. Clifzag

    Clifzag Member

    tnx guys i'll try those suggestions we'll see
  9. Clifzag

    Clifzag Member

    did clean a bunch of trackers but looks like still the same.... and i opened a private window now sure if that's the same as incognito for brave browser but it went back to the not at all working thing... idk if it starts working after time the brave browser has a shields up shields down toggle and its started working again both ways at random i have no idea what's really wrong i think someone hacked my vc
  10. Clifzag

    Clifzag Member

    and the humor is apprecaited :p
  11. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Private is the same as incognito. I don't think anyone has hacked your Viking Clan, it's probably some combination of browser settings or an anti-virus that are blocking you from grabbing anything from our CDN.
  12. Clifzag

    Clifzag Member

    wow crazy fix ... i just started clicking links dispersed around the page and idk what one i clicked last but BAM everything is working no broke pics or anything so crazy... i dont want to jinx it
  13. Lester peterson aka Pete

    Lester peterson aka Pete Active Member

    I don't know what happened on the 18th oct my game blinked twice as I was getting the last calendar hits done and then it reset lost five fp and no telling what else seems to be a glitch they can't find it the same in mob, don't expect any compensation but would like to know what happened luckily we were not playing nuclear war game
  14. Clifzag

    Clifzag Member

    something new happening now. the page is loading alright but the refresh spinny thing wont stop and some stuff is out of place and then what's really interesting is anything i click will bring me back to the home page like trying to use a boost or attack or open chat.

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  15. Clifzag

    Clifzag Member

    cleared cache data and vc went back to normal screwed

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  16. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Maybe, try "manually updating" your JAVA and Adobe flash player ;)

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