Happy Friday, everyone!
It’s been a particularly busy week for development, so let’s hop right into what’s new:
New Pirate Clan Raid
At this very moment, the mighty Anubis is battling it out with the courageous Pirates over in, where else, Pirate Clan. Much like Viking Clan last week, this update contains a host of new achievements as well as some smaller updates. You can read more about that here.
Viking Clan, your Raid leaderboard medals are waiting for you, if you’ve earned any! Make sure to visit the Raid page to collect them to make progress towards your achievements.
Zombie Slayer, there’s more Raid achievements coming your way next week.
LCN Hitlist Cost Change
Early this week we released a change to Hitlist costs in LCN, specifically around how many times you could list a lower level before the Godfather levies a tax to keep the heat off your back. You can join the discussion on that here.
Zombie Slayer Squad and Inventory Update
Last but not least, we made an adjustment to the number of Squad you can have in Zombie Slayer as well as how many items your Squad members carry. You can get the lowdown on there here.
Frozen User Count
Lame Joke of the Week
Why do birds fly South for the Winter?
Because it’s too far to walk!