Happy Friday, everyone!
The Venerable Mitch is out today, so I'll be posting up the TGIF for this week
Just a few updates and some reminders for everyone this week.
Last week we released Midgard Sepulcher to Viking Clan and this week the new Co-Op Boss and Minigame were released. Following up next week will be crafting.
We also released crafting for the recent LCN location Mexico City.
Lastly, new crates are available for players and, as a reminder, the top tier 3-pack of Crates contain one guaranteed Legendary drop.
Mobile Updates
We've added a number of tweaks to the mobile app. The boss listings now have banners informing players how to go to the job chat to find a boss. Also, the home page boss button now has a ribbon on it during the raid event that directs players to the raid tab instead of co-op. These will hopefully help to improve the experience for everyone.
General Game Updates
Our developers have spent time this week working on a couple general game updates. We've fixed up a bunch of sharing stuff this week, so that should behave as expected now.
They've also gone through and cleaned up text in the game to make it clearer for players.
Please remember if you run into any issues or have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch with us in support.
BC Day Long Weekend
Next Monday, August 6th, is BC Day up here in, where else, beautiful British Columbia. As such the Kano office will be closed, with normal hours resuming on Tuesday.
That's everything this week. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Frozen User Count
Lame Joke of the Week
Where do goldfish go on vacation?
Around the globe!
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