[LCN] Hitlist

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by eFka, Apr 11, 2018.

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  1. eFka

    eFka New Member

    Hi everyone, been a while since i began to play this game, would like to discuss about few things, might developers can improve it to have more fun. Hitlist is a great thing, but should be better made. Think is non-sense to be attacked by 12k lvl while i am at 1k lvl or even lower, developers should make tighter ranges to hit players. Hitlist will be more filled with players, everyone will have a chance to earn some cash or xp. Now most of players don't even know what is hitlist in this game, because its always empty and u have to be on refresh button to find any player in it, sorry but it is ridiculous.. Players who were posted in the hitlist but wasn't killed by range players can be attacked after certain time by any range of player. Even the player who was posted to the hitlist will have a chance to heal and make more xp. That xp can be even much lower amount than usual, but still its more fun i think. There can be even new achievement to earn some extra SP, to stay alive in the hitlist for certain amount of time to earn it. Player who will lose and will lose not only stats in the board and stamina, but for example some xp, it will be another question, because we will make "camping" to this game...
  2. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Hmmmm Ummmmm NO
    NahazMadjah likes this.
  3. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Thanks for the suggestions eFka. It is way too early to speak to in much detail but we have some plans to address some of the shortcomings around the hitlist feature that we would like to try in the coming months. We will certainly post about it as it becomes more concrete so I would suggest keeping an eye on our TGIF posts.
    Rita Gypsy and FancyPants like this.
  4. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    The only shortcomings are the cheats, Nothing he suggested is a good idea, but of course, do something to let alts list their accounts and let them get XP for riding the board, that will really thrill the alts. Just cause someone cannot catch a bounty, let's make is easier, forget about the people who have played and learned to play the game rather than have it adjusted to those who cannot figure it out, I expect you to delete my post, of course.
    Debra Otter, Old Salt and NahazMadjah like this.
  5. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

    Adjust to the game don't suggest that the game be adjusted to you.
    NahazMadjah and Kirsten like this.
  6. Rick B

    Rick B Active Member

    Some changes would be nice, awaiting your implementations, Smack.
    Rita Gypsy likes this.
  7. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Take a breath Kristen. I was simple acknowledging the feedback given, it didn't say that any of those ideas would be implemented. You are free to have your own opinions but it isn't very constructive to just outright dump on someone and jump to conclusions when someone is stating their own.
    Rick B likes this.
  8. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    PFFFFFT everyone I talked to said the same thing, I am the one who even takes the time to even bother to voice it, most gave up on Kano already. but feel free to :cool: believe what you want, :p but not too worry I am close to being like the other people who have given up.
  9. Irnbru

    Irnbru Member

    I for one would love too see some changes, im level 8100 so you could probably say im low level. I wouldnt want to see any listing restrictions but i really think you need to reward same level bracket fighting more, and punish it less, all i see are high level players with 2 to 3k honourable bounties and 20k unhonourable bounties. This game makes it too expensive to list same level players so instead they list lowers. Id like to see more honorable bounty achievements, maybe a slower incline bounty cost if they are in same level bracket, make counters more expensive they are too O.P they are far too easy to hide behind.
    FancyPants likes this.
  10. Irnbru

    Irnbru Member

    1 more thing, id love to see ( wont happen ) some restriction on world chat, its the same rubbish every day, people posting links mainly high levels posting lowers and spewing hatred over a game, its pathetic
  11. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Easy solution for you , don't open it,, by the way there are restrictions in world chat, and very light ones in the tavern/lounge of each game, posting links of anyone is not a violation, it is called having fun :)
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2018
  12. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    LOL no, work the game, and get your income up and stop comparing your level to what others may have been able to do with years of playing, why do newer players want the game adjusted to them?? serious question???? how fair would that be to those that have come before, as it is newer players have so many features most of us did not have, it is so easy , like with raids now to level, and if someone does level fast with raids, then some will complain, if when they get to where ever it is, they cannot be in the same league as those who played before raids, and did the work that took years.
  13. Irnbru

    Irnbru Member

    What are you talking about kirstin. im not comparing my level to others whatever that means and im not a newer player either nearly 4000 days played. Whos talking about raids ? Actually it doest matter dont reply my head hurts reading your posts.
  14. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    It was a general observation for people asking for the game to be easier, although 4 000 days played though , you must have taken a break to be the level you stated, it was not a personal attack on you I don't even know who you are FFS
  15. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    I am locking this thread because it has successfully been derailed by Kirsten and others who are quick to shut down any suggestions and feedback they don't agree with. You are all free to disagree but simply stating "NO" without providing constructive feedback is not productive. Further it doesn't do a lot to foster an environment where players feel comfortable to voice their opinions and suggestions if they are going to be treated this way.

    Please remember that there are many types of people who play our games who have a wide variety of playing styles that might not align with your own. It doesn't make their or your feedback any less important, but there could be times when feedback is missing pieces of the bigger picture. How about we help paint that picture in those circumstances opposed to outright rejecting their comments. I think it would go a long way to make the forums more enjoyable for all and encourage more people to contribute.
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