when I try to get someone on the hitlist, is there a quicker way to get someone rather then constantly clicking the hitlist refresh button, as I am finding myself very slow compared to others,, do they have a shortcut?
Currently that is the best way to 'Hunt', Steve – click Hitlist until you spot that target. There are some who prefer to use mobile app to hunt on the Hitlist as they feel it's more effective. I think some players, like the venerable Kirsten, might have some handy tips on how to best execute those hits. That said, we have received lots of productive feedback around Hitlists and have some ideas on how we might be able to improve it. Nothing is slated yet; but, whispers can be heard every now then about scheduling 'dev time'. Which is always exciting!
btw the easiest way as i see just hit the histlist button an click an once ya see someone up there try to get it as fast as you can...but there is a catch when tryin for a hitlist kill there are Bots/Script useers who does play unfair on these kano apps..