Eric this idea has long long been raised. Kano declined to implement it. The idea was to be able to use already crafted weapons to craft a new item for your inventory with usable Att or Def stats. It would certainly help older players who have accumulated masses of useless inventory.
Originally sending gifts was needed because they were required to craft weapons. and those crafted weapons actually contributed stats to your mob. Sometime around when Prague or Berlin was introduced crafted items started becoming less usable. With ASIS for example one could select to craft either a def or Att inventory item using the same base drop.... But then crafting ceased to add value to your inventory altogether as new city bosses had drops that surpassed anything that could be crafted using gifts. This is now the norm, Boss drops being better than crafted item. Crafting used to be a BIG part of the game. It added to your strength and players would want to actually level slowly because they wanted the most from crafting in that city as possible. With Raids and the increased rate of cities this game play fundamentally altered. It is part of the reason older players leveled so much slower than now, and those that leveled quickly were comparatively weaker. This too has now changed. With Raids you can level quickly and remain strong, plus they render crafting useless and it has become a defunct part of game play.
Last edited: Aug 28, 2017