Total faction percentage

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Relentless, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    Just wondering if you would change the total faction percentage, so it's by the number of members in a faction, instead of having it at the faction max of 25?
  2. baha

    baha Member

    I'm hoping for that too because the way it stands rt now means u have to stick ppl in there who don't really play the fight game just to fill the spots~! I need to be able to CHOSE who to put in the faction for the best results~!!! And that can take some time~! :(
  3. MOJO1916

    MOJO1916 Member

    come on play the game...there heaps of new people that need a helping hand..let them into your up your world
    then you stand a chance of trying to be RANKED no 1 ..
    25 is the game just play it..
  4. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    Play the game you say... Well the last time I had my faction open for recruitment, you came running on the forum telling everyone I had ALTS in there. An as 90% of the people who applied to join, had only been playing for 5-10 hours, I wasn't left with a lot of choices but to stop recruitment. So now I only let people that I know, join.
  5. Jay Shinigami

    Jay Shinigami Member

    Is there any point to winning a faction season anyway? My faction won one in the season just finished but all we seem to get is a trophy for the trophy room so doesn't really seem to matter to be honest...

    I mean unless there is some reward for winning other than a trophy I don't see much point in winning
  6. Lep the Predator

    Lep the Predator New Member

    I agree Jay maybe a reward of unlimited stam for 24 hrs ;p That would be a lovely reward ;)
  7. leo lucky

    leo lucky Member

    ...or a lovely 5% fight boost for one week

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