Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Ana, May 9, 2017.

  1. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Heard wrong, bet if someone says to you 'jump' you'll ask how high, correct?
    Kirsten likes this.
  2. Starmaster

    Starmaster Member

    If I was going to jump I wouldn't use words like "not sure" and "rumor" now would I? It does however show a level 1 raid for some strange reason.
  3. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

  4. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    we have been doing raids for a few years, they have not been updated, or had a level change, we also have NOT had any new raids, I would guess for about a year, give or take, they are all repeats
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  5. Rick B

    Rick B Active Member

    This last round I had two raids completely disappear. Not sure if they expired, which SHOULD have lead to an expired notation. I was in 26 total and can only account for 24 of them. 22 completed and two perished and two totally unaccounted for. I keep track on paper. So, maybe related to what Sir Opinion was seeing last round?
  6. Dobby

    Dobby Administrator

    Hey @Rick B please send us a ticket at support and we'd be happy to help you with any Raid issue you may have experienced :)
  7. Rick B

    Rick B Active Member

    Well I do appreciate the offer Dobby. But, I've no proof other than my notes. Any other gaming company I have been around would laugh that off the face of the earth. So, I suspect it's best just to report here that I DID have two raids go poof and I have no clue what happened to them. Maybe it's related to SOA's prob with last round.
  8. Starmaster

    Starmaster Member

    I had 2 expire without being completed. They do just vanish with no notice.
  9. Dobby

    Dobby Administrator

    I understand if you don't want to submit a ticket Rick, that is totally fair. I do promise you though that we will not laugh your issue away. If you do feel like writing in at any point please feel free and we can check our Raid logs and your notes and hopefully get it all straightened out for you :)
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  10. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    You should send in the information you have they will be more than fair, one of the raids they did fix for me i did not have the link but the other 2 i did and they was more than fair and fixed it for me.
    Miss Kitty Snaps likes this.
  11. Starmaster

    Starmaster Member

    I just figured failed raids disappearing was normal game play. I guess you could click a "you have failed" button???
  12. NJVic

    NJVic Member

    I've experienced an expired raid today (8/4/18). Apparently it was killed and the user started another one....so I lost out.

    That is a crappy set of procedures...since it was killed sometime late last night, while I was sleeping.

    I had this also occur a few raids back, where I lost 5 bosses because they "expired"
  13. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    No you did not lose out , unless you did not get the min actions, just click "raids bosses" and scroll down( only raids are listed there) and you will find it, it only says expired in the Boss list( which lists coops and raid bosses) and where you will see the word ' Expired' and it means it is dead aka expired not that the reward has expired.
  14. NJVic

    NJVic Member

    That was funny, because it wasn't available for collection.
  15. BLU 1SE

    BLU 1SE New Member

    had a similar problem collecting previous raid when new raids started by same person , found if you paste the raid into a self made group so you keep link, you can access the raid and collect reward

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