I was wondering if anyone else has noticed attacks coming in extremely fast lately? I'm in the 460s and always wait between healing if I can help it and the last 3 times I healed I was in the hospital in under 10 seconds each time (one of the times was even after just waking up and not doing anything for hours I was back in the hospital within 3 seconds before I could even attack a boss once. Is the fight list so bad and so many people are refreshing the list every second that its getting near impossible to stay out of the hospital for more than a few seconds no matter how high def and health you have.
I´m near your EXP range and I´ve noticed something similar. Myself I find my fightlist boring since there´s always the same people, so I wait until it refreshes and attack new people that show up as soon as possible. I don´t think you´re shown immediately after you heal though, or the list would refresh frequently, but it takes some minutes to change.
If your right about not showing up on fight list immediately after being healed then how come I can heal and be in the hospital from constant attacks within literally seconds? I know the people hitting me are not seeing me as a target on their rival list since I don't punch, attack back, ambush or anything..all I've been doing is killing bosses.
At our level range the fight list is tiny and the worst thing is when more than 1 person is hunting, the small list gets smaller very quickly so only thing you can do is spam attack on anyone you see before someone else gets there...
i may be one of these attackers.. alot of people now watch there rivals list, as its the most common place to find XP. but its what happens from time to time, just wait a a fue minutes and try again, as it happens to us all
Is this the reason you higher levels pick on the little guys when someone attacks you on the hitlist? lol it's even funnier when a level 250 keeps taking out a level 500+!!
yes, apart most of us dont use the hit list to collect soul's to PWN. we just wait for the silly people to attack us and then we obviously have a 24 hour period with you on our rivals list.... some times we punch to get the ball rolling.. but its normaly enermy faction members we all fight, but now and then a lost soul will get eaten... yes it is funny when a 250 takes out a 500+ but when a 500+ kills a 250 you all cry :S its the game, live it, like it, love it
I don't look to get listed but people tend to list me as I attack them too much for their liking, so if someone attacks me at that point, well they are just begging for retaliation
True that, lol I try not to attack anyone over level 550ish as I see thats where my cut off point seems to be, while I might win the attack, I also lose the attack when they attack me.
jay u get listed alot b/c u dont heal up after fighting someone.. u like to hit and hide.thats the reason u die alot
There are several explainations. A) you've placed yourself on the rival list of too many people. The moment you heal they see you on their rival list and attack. B) the fight list is so thin that the second you heal, people hungry and half desperate for xp pounce upon you. C) you got on my radar, sorry about your luck.
i have over 1000 deaths b/c i like to play and hitlist poeple who like to booby trap which is fine it all part of the game but gina i dont even list u anymore b/c u like to eat booby traps. lol.and ur right u dont hide but niether i do!!!!!! anyways gina whenever ur ready for soe more boobys come hit me up
Really Gina? I've caught you hiding quite often. you're almost as good at it as a certain Minotaur. Well that and setting ambushes. Gets expensive doesn't it? Happy holidays.
WHO are you as Beast says we have good baltles and we do not hide. Think you May have the wronge Gina, Warlock I'm "What you going to do blead on me" Warlock come see me. Always alive when on unless on the list thanks to Beast or his buddies!!! Winks at Beast. Feel free to send me a message warlock Tigerwolf so I can find you- Im on the leader board so not to difficlt to find
Warlock Tigerwolf Pretty distinctive name, if you're high enough level I should be on your fight list. If you're not the lil Bambina I've been smacking around, then you're right I've got the wrong gina.