THE SYNDICATE WARS instead of having everyone no matter the level fight against each other you all ready have the groups categorize A,B,C,D,E why not just show A syndicates to other A syndicate groups and they fight each other and the top syndicates from each category win the syndicate wars. the way the wars and other events are set up now it is all about the high level players in the game and the rest of do not matter. By changing the syndicate wars will increase the desire for players to increase there fighting stats which will increase Kano Revenue isn't this the objective of having games on the net. I also feel that Zombie wars is no different it has the same events as Mob Wars. It would also make the game more popular and players would play more often.
the fact that more Favor points are offered is not going to change the fact that this event is unfair to newer syndicates. No matter how much a syndicate tries to improve there fight stats the A syndicates will always have the advantage they have all been in the game for years and since skill points have to be earned by leveling only there is no possible way to ever get the advantage over these syndicates.
I am trying to win the case with Kano not trying to argue with anyone but if and A syndicate can do a high amount of damage per attack or token which they do massive amounts of damage per token because they have higher attack defense and health but bunches. now let say a E syndicate the syndicate is full of fairly new players there attack defense and health there is no comparison in the strength of this level E syndicate and the level A syndicate Level A attacks this Level E syndicate sure the level A is only going to get 1000 WP for that kill this still frustrates this syndicate into not taking part in the future syndicate wars that then leaves the D syndicates which will soon get frustrated and decide not to take part in the future syndicate wars. By having each group attack other syndicates in there category will end the frustration and get more and more players interested in the wars and will work on the stats needed to be able to compete. Right now trying to compete with high groups is frustrating. It is a little hard to convince players to do what one or two people say and getting rid of these players because they do not find your way of doing things is wrong . Each player has there own game and they should be allowed to play it any way they want without worrying about being booted and replaced by higher level players. To me a Syndicate is a family because you disagree with one of your family do you boot them to the curb?