Minimum damage on China Single Boss?

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by Jay Shinigami, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. Jay Shinigami

    Jay Shinigami Member

    I just unlocked the boss today and a squaddie of mine finished it off in literally seconds so I didn't do any damage to it. I didn't get the reward for killing it but the description says I get it for unlocking the boss. So just so I know what is the minimum damage to guarantee reward - is it like 1 hit or hit and hope?
  2. i think you have to hit twice.
  3. S.III

    S.III New Member

    why start if you have no stamina left?
  4. Tylerbmiller

    Tylerbmiller New Member

    They called out to clan member for help and before they could attack it, it was defeated. I know I happen to me too
  5. Jay Shinigami

    Jay Shinigami Member

    It said I would get a reward when it was over without mentioning I had to damage it, plus I dint really expect it to be over so quickly
  6. All bosses require a minimum of two hits regardless of if one hit does twenty times the minimum or there is no minimum posted.
  7. malific

    malific Member

    I thought that applied only to other peopleĀ“s bosses, never tried that on mine.

    Conclusion: Use 2 stamina on every boss you see before leaving it to the sharks.
  8. AbNo

    AbNo Member

    Wait, people call for help on bosses? Why?
  9. If your character is built to level more efficiently through battles or if you are not sufficiently strong enough and have a good fight list then bosses for the most part are a waste of stamina. Unlike VC/PC I barely touch them in Zombies for that very reason.

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