November 29th Dev Update (Gamer Points / Seasons)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Eric, Nov 29, 2010.

  1. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    We've released Gamer Points and Seasons. These features are still in beta. Gamer Points are achieved through doing quests/bosses/fights and other features throughout the game ( see the help page for more info ). If you're part of a Guild these points contribute to your Guild. Guilds will battle it out during each season weekly (Monday 12am PST -> Monday 12am PST) for trophies ( achievements/unlocks to come ) and leaderboard status. These features are still evolving and there is more to come.

    As always any bugs please let us know, thanks.
  2. Eddie

    Eddie Member

    Is there a limit on how many GP can be earned in a day?

    Would be nice if this was put on the leaderboard with bounty traps and other items... but Guild GP should be on the leaderboard, and personal GP(Is there a difference among the 2 if your not in a guild?)
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
  3. If you go to a guild, under the TROPHY says leader board:D.
  4. Eddie

    Eddie Member

    Thanks Crazy william storm... I saw the "Leaderboard" but didnt think it was a link LOL... Thanks, im brain dead.

    So since this is still in beta stages, what about removing those limits? and the 5k limit on battling with 1 person too :D
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
  5. Any time man-----&&& yeah remove the limits or up the limit cap.:D
  6. juarlita

    juarlita Member

    Gamer points not awarded to challenge help

    When I did some challenge help for some of my clansmen (friends), gamer points weren't awarded. They were only awarded when I helped with quests. The notes say its for challenges as well.
  7. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    We will look into this.
  8. Jme

    Jme Member

    You also get awarded GPs for sending gifts. Easiest way I've found to get the necessary GPs for the Help category.

    Works just fine on FB, but Myspace keeps spitting back errors everytime I try to send someone a gift. Try sending one at a time, and as a group with the same result. Methinks this is a bug that needs attention.
  9. we need daily Enemy kill points !!!
  10. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    great idea!!!!
  11. Colonel Jam

    Colonel Jam New Member

    I'm with Eddie on this one. However I think with slightly different intentions. How about listing individual Gamer Points stats on the Leaderboard?

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