There should be some more new characters added into the game. A good lvl bracket i believe would be 7500, 1000, 12500, 15000, 17500 and 20000.
make it so every 2500 lvls there is a new character with the same if following the same upgrade line 100fp
here could be a rough estimate of how tiers could be(not putting in each individual character but a broad amount of stat buffs that would be arranged into select character bracket.
lvl: base cost
7500: 275 fp
health- 1:15
energy- 0:40
stam- 1:04
cash- 36:00
0.75% power boost for attacks/defense
3% adventure cost reduction
2% reduction deposit fees
3% gold boost from adventures
10000: 300 fp
health- 1:15
energy- 0:35
stam 1:00
cash- 34:00
1% power boost on attacks/defense
4% adventure cost reduction
3% reduction deposit fees
5% gold from adventures
12500: 325 fp
health- 1:15
energy- 0:30
stam 0:55
cash- 32:00
1.5% power boost on attacks/defense
5% adventure cost reduction
6% reduction deposit fees
10% gold from adventures
15000: 350 fp
health- 1:15
energy- 0:25
stam 0:50
cash- 27:00
2.25% power boost on attacks/defense
6% adventure cost reduction
9% reduction deposit fees
15% gold from adventures
17500: 375 fp
health- 1:15
energy- 0:20
stam 0:45
cash- 24:00
3% power boost on attacks/defense
8% adventure cost reduction
12% reduction deposit fees
20% gold from adventures
20000: 400fp
health- 1:15
energy- 0:15
stam 0:40
cash- 20:00
5% power boost on attacks/defense
10% adventure cost reduction
15% reduction deposit fees
30% gold from adventures
here are some ideas for additional boosts-
boss time reduction
interest of hoarded gold
challenge key time reduction
pistol whip damage modifier
adventure xp modifier
boss(not raid) xp modifier
bounty attack modifier
bounty reward modifier
if anybody has any suggestions about the numbers/ believe they should change or any ideas for additional modifiers let me know
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