You don't actually say which bit you are saying, No, to and the rest of your post doesn't give much of a clue. But from what you say here it could be 1 of 2 thing that you have misunderstood about my post and the update.
The first could be that you think I am trying to say that, even if you don't claim you go back to 10% on the 13th day. I don't bother saying that if you don't collect or miss a day you keep getting 100%/day. I didn't say this for 2 reasons. I was explaining to Scoughman how you could get not 700% but 710% from a full 2 weeks and that fact that once you get to day 7 the reward now stays at 100% Energy/day until missed or collected instead of dropping back to 10% Energy, was the whole point of the update.
If instead you are trying to say that from now on whenever you collect you get 100% Energy per day from day 1, then that, I think, is wrong. I can't say for sure because I haven't collected since the update but as post #1 mentions a day 7 reward that would imply that a day 1 reward still exists. I don't think you do get 100% Energy on day 1, I think you have to start at 10% Energy (5% Stamina) the day after you collect or miss a day.
Either of these you could have been inferred from post #1. In your own words:
Last edited: Jul 10, 2016