[LCN] REALLY ?!?!?!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by bob:), Jun 10, 2016.

  1. bob:)

    bob:) New Member

    This level 10,000 player is hit listing me for no reason out of the blue (not sure how he can even see a level 500 player)
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2016
  2. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    First off ya cannot post those screen shots, you cannot show a game name , a level or a game link, ya gonna have to remove those posts, and second if you opened yourself to him or past Level 300 and have no new player protection, then you can be hitlisted by anyone, if you were listed by someone anyone can attack you while you are on the hitlist
    Justin the killer, JoDy and Zoe Bell like this.
  3. Backdoor Boo boo

    Backdoor Boo boo Active Member

    Suck it up buttercup we have all being there its a fighting game
    Elodie, Zoe Bell and Kirsten like this.
  4. bob:)

    bob:) New Member

    I NEVER opened myself to him (no attacks on him at all). He PLACED me on the hitlist out of the blue. Did he get my link from the help/boost post ??? Not sure how he even found me at all.
  5. bob:)

    bob:) New Member

    When I go to fight, i can only see people that are around 25-50 levels of me. I can't even rig his ignition because he is so high level...
  6. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    did you open a raid and post it in WC ? could be any reason, or no reason at all, maybe you attacked someone he knows , or it could have just been random
    Zoe Bell likes this.
  7. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    No one is really hidden, many ways to find anyone, easily, just ignore it. :)
    Zoe Bell likes this.
  8. bob:)

    bob:) New Member

    Backdoor, your reply has convinced me to close my wallet. The only people you hurt with it is Kanos, with a loss of revenue.
  9. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    it is part of the game, it is a PVP game , player versus player, you need to expect it, these games are not for the thinskinned :) Backdoor did not attack you, he is being honest with you :)
    food and Zoe Bell like this.
  10. bob:)

    bob:) New Member

    Yes, but when you CAN'T hit them back, and they reduce your level while you are at work. I have a problem with that. I can only make 3 levels per day without putting money in.
  11. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Then stay dead when ya at work :) there is always gonna be someone stronger and someone weaker, that will never change, just stay dead , when someone is on you :)
    Zoe Bell and Backdoor Boo boo like this.
  12. bob:)

    bob:) New Member

    This guy can have hit list me for free with no repercussions. And my character that I have spent $500 on is now moving backwards. So, yes, Kanos will lose all future revenue from me. I will just say screw it and free roll....
  13. Backdoor Boo boo

    Backdoor Boo boo Active Member

    Bob i got a troll listing me all the time when i am off then he stays dead so i can not get him this is were mobbies come in they watch when he is alive and beat his ass so like i said we all go through it as for spending money dont waste a dime unless you can really afford it and need it i have seen some lose their house because they could not afford it but wanted everything
  14. Rhenkle1

    Rhenkle1 Active Member

    Many people often don't realize that names can easily be picked off bosses and world/job chat and even others elites. It's not hard to find someone on the game if anyone wants to. Changing the name on your account won't help either if they have saved your link or set a rig on you. Often times I have invites in my inbox that I never delete for some reason either. So there sits 350 player links anytime I want to find 1 of them.
    Zoe Bell and foxysiren like this.
  15. Rhenkle1

    Rhenkle1 Active Member

    Bob definitely not picking on or teasing you by any means but 500.00 on this game is a small drop in a big bucket to a lot of people that have played here for years. Due to recent things my wallet is not open any longer here, my choice though.
  16. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    you can be listed maybe 9 or 10 times and all you lose is around half a level and they you stop losing XP, you can gain it back with a box or two on a calendar, or during a raid, very easy, do not let it discourage you, everyone has this happen and everyone does it to someone, it has not stopped anyone, just remember it is a game, you have a heal button and ya not really getting hurt. It will not stop you from advancing, just seems that way to you now.
  17. MobMan

    MobMan Member

    Bob are you in a war synd? If you are then it's only to be expected that you'll get listed. I've seen a lot of new players recently put their syndicates into war mode then complain that they are being attacked, punched and listed by higher level players
    Zoe Bell and Kirsten like this.
  18. Seppo

    Seppo Active Member

    hihii this is fun :)
    Rhenkle1 likes this.
  19. Guardian Angel

    Guardian Angel Active Member

    you can get protection for 3 days after he is hitlisting you 15 times you have this option! Cheers!
    Zoe Bell and Kirsten like this.
  20. Seppo

    Seppo Active Member

    i did list u 2 times... coz i CAN, no need a reason to do so :)
    Zoe Bell and Friendly Fire like this.

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