[LCN] Update Regarding the Referral and Rewards Program

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Jun 2, 2016.

  1. Friendly Fire

    Friendly Fire Well-Known Member

    Where do you get the idea he is a veteran player on a new account?
  2. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    She is nuts and just spews nonsense just a forum troll living in some fantasy world of her own making
  3. [SIKU] KillerK

    [SIKU] KillerK Active Member

  4. [SIKU] KillerK

    [SIKU] KillerK Active Member

    Is he posting now....
  5. Friendly Fire

    Friendly Fire Well-Known Member

    Rampage Casini and No Nuts 4u like this.
  6. [SIKU] KillerK

    [SIKU] KillerK Active Member

    Further I posted here about a month ago and clearly the hate was voluminous then.

    I spend my time living life so I'm done if Mitch had not linked this on the game site I would have not even posted.

    Take care I am not a troll I just type quickly.
    The Gab 03 likes this.
  7. Friendly Fire

    Friendly Fire Well-Known Member

    I am still waiting for your evidence that he is a scam account, if you knew anything you would realise he was one of the older and more respected players in the game
  8. meet_joeblack

    meet_joeblack Member

    Scam account? ohhh i guess my name does not bring fear in people anymore.... i have to try harder
    SweetestAngel likes this.
  9. [SIKU] KillerK

    [SIKU] KillerK Active Member

    Friendly there is a link of this on a former forum post the lawsuit occurred in 2009 on this game and yes the developer of MOB LCN won.
  10. meet_joeblack

    meet_joeblack Member

    hahhaha... i love the parting 'gift'.... Im not a troll she says .... well... wouldnt that be the exact thing a troll would say?
    Game ...set... match!
    Kirsten and Killa Queen like this.
  11. Friendly Fire

    Friendly Fire Well-Known Member

    some of the same developers but a different company
    Kirsten and The Gab 03 like this.
  12. [SIKU] KillerK

    [SIKU] KillerK Active Member

    I'd check with Mitch this game. I am 100% sure.
  13. Friendly Fire

    Friendly Fire Well-Known Member

    Metamoki are the company that runs other mob wars and Kano are the company that runs this. Metamoki won the lawsuit not Kano
  14. meet_joeblack

    meet_joeblack Member

    im pretty sure u are a lier TSG KILLERK ... you did say u were going wernt u? and yet... here u r... trolling
    now stop teasing me and just go already.... i already said my goodbye
    No Nuts 4u likes this.
  15. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    Is there something going on here the rest of the LCN players need to know about.
    The way I am reading this garbage is that the Mafia players and i use 'players' in a loose term seem to think they are going to change LCN.
    Can we have some clarification on this Mi7ch?
  16. slayer serge

    slayer serge New Member

    they already have , you will find lev 3500 that are 50 days old and can beat lev 5000
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  17. No Nuts 4u

    No Nuts 4u Member

    MORT is a good guy he certainly doesn't scam anyone, he used to play this game hard yrs ago with hard sweat and tears to slander him will be endgame for u TSG KILLER!! i dont like seeing my friends slandered down, making accusations without proof or fact will certainly make u unpopular with the masses of us as we have made friends for many yrs on here, i would suggest u apologize TSG or we will meet in game and the hitlist will be alight with your name, not just by me i may add.
  18. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    Meet Joe black is my alt :D
  19. No Nuts 4u

    No Nuts 4u Member

    thats only because that individual has invested in the game thats all ive been helping them with advice on buying better items and not waste buying bulk loads of 30 fp items which is worst way u can invest on game. Once you get to know them they are really nice, and fair play if they want to spend thats upto them.
    The Gab 03 likes this.
  20. No Nuts 4u

    No Nuts 4u Member

    calling him a scam account is downing them or did u forget u wrote that.

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