Kano slaps us in the face!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by polishpimp, Nov 17, 2010.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Awhile back Kano asked the players here in the forums for feedback on a proposed change to the game regarding the newly implemented "boss super attacks". That Thread had a huge response by players that were opposed to Kanos "proposed changes", the thread was page after page of people who did not like their idea.....so what does Kano do? they slap us all in the face and implement the "proposed changes" anyways. Why do they even bother asking our opinions?

    KANO......YOUR NEW SYSTEM SUCKS!!!!!! its exactly everything that was suggested in the previous thread.....for starters....ITS FLAWED!!!! There is no way the drop ratio is anywhere near what it is with either a single or a power attack. To this point.....Ive never killed a boss and not received a random drop...but using your newly implemented system...I have gone through multiple bosses not receiving any or far fewer. In addition.....did u not learn anything from when u placed the "help" button to close to the "attack" button? The slider is way to close to the attack buttons causing people to accidently use way more stamina then intended. merely an accident? or a clever ploy to have us waste our stamina?

    Kano often speaks of wanting to make the game more inviting to new players, more user friendly, a smoother flow....R U KIDDING ME? New players already found the game confusing and difficult to navigate...yet u introduce sliders with way to many attack options.

    For the most part...u guys and gals have done a great job with this game.....introducing new challenges and upgrading what has become outdated or mundane...and these r greatly appreciated.....but this latest upgrade has gone to far....The players spoke when u asked them to...and they said they didnt want it...u preach playability....yet have complicated things.

    Simplify things...eliminate this latest change....cap the dang bosses and reduce the server load...and please please please.....dont ask our opinions about something u fully intend to cram down r throats anyway!
  2. jon french

    jon french Member

    Ha ha ha, check yourself brother, its a facebook game for christs sake!!
  3. no much drops from mega power drops ? wow that sucks..
    some one will be fired by Tim again :D
  4. facebook and myspace and i think Hi5.

    just throwing that out there
  5. I've been trying to spread the word around my clan about the drops. The best attack to do out of all of them is still the 5 stamina power attack. There is a big difference (almost double) between the XP given by a 4 and 5 stam attack and you lose out on rewards with the higher stamina attacks.

    I'll differ from consensus though and say that the slider should stay for everyone under level 2000 as a way to help them catch up with players with a year or more head start on them. Upward mobility is a huge plus this game has going for it. After level 2000 you just get the basic 1 and 5 options and then after level 5000 bosses go away entirely. (Or only the Hel and above bosses be accessible) That should help quell some of the whining that level partners will never catch up to boss players as well.
  6. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    The drop rate is the same, if you are seeing any differences then it is just in the randomness of the function or your bad luck whichever way you want to look at it. If you use 1 stamina in an attack, you have x% to get a drop. If you use 5 stamina in a power attack you have 5 chances with each chance having a x% chance at getting the drop, if you use 20 stamina you have 20 chances with each chance having x%. That being said feel free to use what ever option you like.
  7. Eddie

    Eddie Member

    Then they took feedback on how to improve battling and that is what they said they would do in the mid-far future. Compromise.

    Thats not nice. Kano staff worked hard to bring forth this update. Even though we do not embrace the new update, I'm sure others approve of it.

    Sorry but I disagree with you here also. I do not see how sliders make the game too complex to understand.


    hellz yea!

    I am sure they are working on that, the more people donate the more resources they have to spend on background server upgrades. So keep the monthly subscriptions coming ;)

    On a general note:
    Kano is one of the only apps that involve themselves with the players personally people, don't take it for granted.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2010
  8. Vampryss

    Vampryss Guest

    Top Poster Of Month


    As a player of several different apps made by different developers I'm really surprised by the negativity here. I personally don't see the new updates as being crammed down my throat. In fact, without actually implementing these or other new changes how would we know what we like or don't? The fact that the developers take the time every single day to interact with players, get feedback and make changes on that feedback speaks volumes. If there is an issue, bug or other problem they are right there right away to fix it. Or at least let the players know whats going on so we're not sitting ducks for days on end. As I'm sure most of you know of other apps with plenty of issues & bugs that never and I do mean NEVER get addressed. That method of game development is not part Kano's practice.

    I welcome new changes. That doesn't mean I like them just that I welcome them so I can come back & say "yay" or "nay" "and here's my reasons why". Criticizing constructively of course..
  9. Eddie is right. Kano does a much better job with their apps and interacting with the players of said apps than say Zynga does...to all the people that complain of exploits and cheaters and so forth take a look at those games, nothing but bugs and bots and a largely unresponsive support detail.
  10. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Let me start by apologizing.....my words were definitely harsh and in appropriate.

    With that said...I agree that the men and woman of Kano do an excellent job and r to be praised for the great work that they do.

    I stand behind the my feelings on which this thread was founded on though....Kano knew full well that the players didnt want this and yet they did it anyway.

    Ive been testing the new system and still believe it is flawed....but at the same time recognize its potential worth. We as players ...will just have to learn to accept and adapt to it.

    But please.....move the dang slider away from the attack tab....its a total pain in the butt and has cost me tons of wasted stamina not to mention totally screws with the flow of the game.

    As far as some of the comments that were made....Eddie- I see that no compromise was made here at all...A promise of a new battle system has no bearing on what i was talking about now or in the previous thread. But a new battle system would be a welcome addition. Thrand- New players already have a huge advantage...they dont need another, not to mention the fact that they dont have the stamina to make this system a viable option.

    Kano- most of the new upgrades have been home runs...u guys/gals really do rock, I for one really appreciate them as im sure others do as well. TY! and once again...my apologies for my harsh words

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