[LCN] Raid Boss Walkthrough and Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mi7ch, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Dcasso plays on Kongregate, if I recall correctly. Those tiers are Facebook.
    Alfredo Scarface likes this.
  2. Alfredo Scarface

    Alfredo Scarface Active Member

    Ah, I see, I wouldn't attempt an answer or to have an understanding of what would be appropriate there.
  3. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    you can get screwed out of your super item you should earn and this is what people do not understand and think we complain about not getting the super for no reason..... Who ever is top of tier in total actions get super item hate to bust your bubble wrong owner can do min. and cancel your super out so he can get the one for his first raid which is bullshi$ and this is what Jared dont understand what i am saying TOP Perfomer in over all actions = super is canceled out due to owners promise for first raid even if 2000 actions is all that they doooo!!!!! Supers need to be given out properly and not for those doing min.
    Alfredo Scarface likes this.
  4. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    True Mi7ch, I am on kong, and top tier is simply swarming with players. We really need an increase in tiers. I never play on FB, so not trying to say anything about those tiers :)
  5. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    If that is even true, I feel the owner should get the superior if he or she has the most actions, after all they spend the energy to open one.
  6. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    thats the problem they dont have to even have to have the top actions or heals im saying they get the min. but the thing is they said 1 for the owner and 3 for the others 1 for each tier. Thats 4 so if the owner cancels out 1 of the players than that is only 3 and someone got screwed thats the point and i dont understand how many times ive explained this and most dont see it
    Alfredo Scarface likes this.
  7. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    To better clarify what @Sir Opinion Alot is saying by using a hypothetical situation:
    Jane is a Level 5,000 player who opens their first Raid Boss during an event. John is a Level 5,000 player who joins Jane's Raid Boss and performs the most Actions out of all thirty Party Members (including Jane). Jane collects her Rewards and receives a "Superior" Item because she is GUARANTEED one for her first summoned Raid Boss during each event. John collects his Rewards and receives a "Common" Item even though he performed more Actions than anyone (including Jane). The reason John received a "Common" Reward is because Jane's guaranteed "Superior" Item Reward Drop trumped his "guarantee" of receiving a "Superior" Item Drop for performing the most Actions within his respective level tier, simply because Jane (the Boss owner) was in the same level tier as him. Both Jane and John should have received "Superior" Items - Jane because she is guaranteed one for summoning her first Raid Boss during an event, and John because he performed the most Actions within his level tier (and in this case, the most Actions out of all thirty Party Members).

    I was under the impression that there were GUARANTEED to be at least FOUR "Superior" Item Reward Drops from a Raid Boss (assuming it is the owner's first summoned Boss during that event). GUARANTEED Superior Item Drops as follows: One going to the Boss owner on their first summoned Boss during each event, and then the other three going to the persons who performed the most ACTIONS within their respective Level Tier. For all other Party Members: RANDOM Drops (including the chance of a "Superior" Item), which Dropped randomly to Party Members who performed the minimum required 2,000 Actions. I have received a few "Superior" Item Drops at random even when I have NOT been the person who performed the most Actions within my level tier, but VERY rarely. Either way, hopefully @mi7ch can provide some clarification in regards to @Sir Opinion Alot's experience of having received a "Common" Item for performing the most Actions when the Boss owner is within the same level tier (as explained in the hypothetical situation above)!
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
    Alfredo Scarface likes this.
  8. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Sometimes I get a superior for min actions, say I join a public boss, and that is all I am gonna do, cause I am in 100 raids, I still get a superior,, sometimes I do alot on a friends and get one or I get a common simply because it is random, , for me I am going for the levels so I can improve areas with the skill points, if I get a superior , cool cause I like the color purple lol If I open three raids in two of my games and I usually do I am always top of my tier. That will change once I hit the top tier range in one of the games, I am sure, but I notice my friends tend to leave the kill and or the top performer spot for me, generally speaking. I rarely join public ones but I do sometimes.
    The Gab 03 likes this.
  9. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    As stated in my original Post: I receive RANDOM Drops for performing the minimum Actions, and rarely, I even receive "Superior" Items. Not sure if you were trying to add input as described in my Post and be repetitive, or if you just didn't read in FULL before replying with a comment sharing on the same experience I just described..
    The Gab 03 and Sir Opinion Alot like this.
  10. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Was giving my experience, which is different from yours which makes me believe it is just random and I did read your book chapter and verse.
    geeeze I hope you never get a superior with your attitude :p Time to ignore you and your whining :p
    The Gab 03 likes this.
  11. Alfredo Scarface

    Alfredo Scarface Active Member

    Because you fail to appreciate a point doesn't make it whining.
  12. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    The point I get is that is random, to get a superior or a common, just that ya have a better shot being the top of your tier, but that is still not a guarantee.
    The Gab 03 likes this.
  13. Alfredo Scarface

    Alfredo Scarface Active Member

    Guess you didn't read the opening post:

    "Everyone who does at least 2,000 actions with 1,000 of those needing to be Healing Actions will be awarded with a Loot item, Cash, and XP when the Raid Boss is defeated. The drop you get is determined randomly, however under special conditions a player may be guaranteed a Superior item drop. *The first Boss you summon and defeat during the event will give you a Superior item and placing first for total overall actions in your level tiers will also give you a Superior item*."

    The important bit again:

    "The first Boss you summon and defeat during the event will give you a Superior item and placing first for total overall actions in your level tiers will also give you a Superior item"

    "First boss you summon... *AND* placing first... in your tier".

    It's pretty clear.
  14. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    thank you for seeing this, it seems like ive been talking to a brick wall and everyone has forgot how to read this!!! not to be mean but really post after post cyrstal clear

    I dont think she ever fully reads everything

    the thing there is ways to get a super if you would read which we have and try for and when we are told what to try for and it dont work well it kinda makes you mad when you use so much to take one down. to me anyone does 50 mill or better deserves a super item PERIOD>>>>>>>
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2016
  15. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    You have it correct, there are potentially four guaranteed Superior items that can be given out during a Raid.

    For Opinion's example, if he were in the same tier as the Boss owner but did more overall actions, then the Superior would go to Opinion, not the Boss owner. If the Boss owner performed more overall actions than Opinion, then the Superior would go to the Boss owner.

    The Boss owner gets a Superior for their first successful Raid of the event. If they are not first in their respective tier, this does not "take away" a Superior from the person who is first in that tier.
    The Gab 03 and Easy To Remember like this.
  16. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Well there you go, potentially there are 4 superiors during a raid,does not say who those 4 potentially superiors go to, except the owner for their first, it can go to a min action player or a top of the tier action player, still random and the theory of the owner usurping another by who does the most , in the same tier, one does not usurp the other as he though, not rocket science.
    The Gab 03 likes this.
  17. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the clarification on Boss owner/Level Tier Actions Guaranteed Superior Item Drops @mi7ch - I was hoping the owner was not able to "take away" from someone in their same level tier if another player performed more Actions (assuming it was the owner's first summoned Boss during any given Event). That was my only concern and you have made that crystal clear now! ;)
    I was having trouble believing @Kirsten was truly understanding the issue and the payouts in the first place. I recently read her reply (Post #1176) after Mitch clarified the issue and addressed the concern regarding the Boss owner being able to "take away" a Superior Item from a player in their same level tier who performs more Actions. Now I am just absolutely SPEECHLESS and literally AMAZED beyond belief! At least I got some sort of unidentified amusement I've never experienced before. I guess some people just do NOT get it, and [especially in this case] NEVER will..
    That is INCORRECT and NOT what that says! There are 4 GUARANTEED Superior Item Drops, which go to the following people:
    1. The Boss Owner (assuming it's their first summoned Boss of the event)
    2. The person in Level Tier 1 who performs the most Actions
    3. The person in Level Tier 2 who performs the most Actions
    4. The person in Level Tier 3 who performs the most Actions
    If a player chooses to summon a second, third, fourth (or more) Raid Boss, then there are only 3 GUARANTEED Superior Item Drops, which go to each person who performed the most Actions within their respective Level Tier (there are 3 different Level Tiers in LCN Raid Bosses). Additional Superior Items MAY be Dropped at Random for Raid Party Members who are NOT one of the four people in the list above AND have completed the minimum required 2,000 Actions (at least 1k Healing & at least 1k Attacking)! Not sure why some are having such a HARD time comprehending this, but have since realized that it's almost 100% likely caused by the unneeded, confusingly twisted, false, out of place, vindictive Posts made by @Kirsten that contradict the true actuality, which ultimately confuse the players who actually need the clarification, and consequently hurt the community as a whole..
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2016
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  18. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    This is one point that has kinda been put into perspective many times, but why can't we see the (3 different) tier's overall actions without clicking on numerous names to see if you made the most actions in your own tier? :confused:
    Easy To Remember likes this.
  19. Easy To Remember

    Easy To Remember Well-Known Member

    I like that idea! Maybe they could add the person's level when you click on the Total Actions tab on the Raid Boss page? Any other form of that idea sure would be a useful one though!
  20. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    then mitch please tell support there is a issue cause if owner and top performer are in same tier, the owner can cancel out the top performer.. So alot of cases top performer loses there super item due to being in same tier as owner and support has stopped fixing this(Sol) thanks mitch I knew this was wrong and it needs fixed

    and here lies the problem owner can cancel out there tiers top performer

    but if ur in same tier like i said and are the top performer and owner did min. it still can cancel it out ive had it done to me more times than i can count.......... I know the rules of the raids front and back inside and out and most that know me outside the forums ask me about the raids since i tore them down when they first started and been keeping up with all the changes, and i seen a problem and brought it up here since support does not help to much anymore :(
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2016

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